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Federal Center for Cardiovascular Surgery of the Ministry of Health of Russia (Astrakhan)




+ Government of the Russian Federation

The Federal State Budgetary Institution "Federal Center for Cardiovascular Surgery" of the Ministry health care of the Russian Federation (g.) Astrakhan Is a practical medical institution of a cardiac surgical profile. The purpose of his work is to provide high-tech assistance to citizens of the Russian Federation regardless of their place of residence and social status. The cardiocenter holds 167 beds and 40 in the department of anesthesiology and resuscitation. The doctors of these departments perform up to 4,000 operations per year. The center serves residents of the subjects of the Southern Federal District, which is over 10 million people.


2023: Appointment of Vladimir Kolesnikov as Director of the Center

In November 2023, Vladimir Kolesnikov was appointed the new head of the Federal Center for Cardiovascular Surgery in Astrakhan. The previous head of the institution, Dmitry Tarasov, left this post in April 2022. Since then, the acting head has been Igor Chernov, deputy chief physician for surgical care. Read more here.

2020: Construction of a rehabilitation center for 2.2 billion rubles

At the end of August 2020, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin signed a decree on the allocation of 2.2 billion rubles for the construction of a rehabilitation complex at the Federal Center for Cardiovascular Surgery in Astrakhan. The corresponding document was published on the website of the Cabinet.

The Government of the Russian Federation decides: to make budgetary investments in 2020-2023 at the expense of the budget allocations of the federal budget for the design, construction and reconstruction of the capital construction facility "Treatment and Rehabilitation Complex" of the federal state budgetary institution "Federal Center for Cardiovascular Surgery" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, the document says.

A rehabilitation center for 2.2 billion rubles will appear in Astrakhan

As he writes TASS with reference to the government decree, the allocated funds will be directed to the design and construction of two buildings with a total area of ​ ​ more than 18 thousand square meters. m. The new institution will be able to receive up to 60 people at the same time, both adult patients and children will be served there. It is planned to fully implement the project and put the medical facility into operation by 2024.

The explanatory note to the document says that the new rehabilitation complex should improve the quality of rehabilitation of patients who have undergone heart surgery and will help them return to their usual lifestyle as soon as possible.

The construction will be supervised by the Directorate of a single customer-developer, which should soon be transferred to the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation.

The Astrakhan Federal Center for Cardiovascular Surgery was built in 2009 during the implementation of the priority national project "Health" and under the program for the construction of a network of centers for high medical technologies. About 7 thousand patients undergo treatment at the center every year.[1]
