Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Gazprom Telecom


Gas industry
Since 1996
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
Starokaluzhskoye Highway, 62, building 2





+ Government of the Russian Federation
+ Rosneft of the Tax Code

Activities of Gazprom Telecom LLC:

  • Ensuring telecommunication services of the enterprises of Group with all types Gazprom;
  • Execution of works on ensuring interaction of regional communication networks of the gas, gas transmission and gas-processing companies of Group Gazprom with a public communication network and the organization of their access to a corporate data network;
  • Communication provision of services to legal entities and physical persons according to the current legislation;
  • Development and operation of communication networks: maintenance, design, construction and reconstruction, major repair, commissioning.
  • Implementation of other types of activity in the field of communication.



At the request of JSC Gazprom work on reorganization of Gazprom Telecom Ltd in the form of conversion of Gazprom Telecom LLC (resolution No. 01-2270 of September 02, 2011) is organized.

November 13, 2012. During the visit of the prime minister of Slovenia Yanez Yansh, constituent documents of South Stream Telecom AG company, joint venture Gazprom Telecom Ltd and JSC Comita were signed. Creation of the company was performed within expansion of partnership between the Russian and Slovenian companies in the power sphere and project implementation South Stream.

August 01, 2012. In the Republic of Adygea an exit of the enterprises of Group Gazprom and also other organizations and individuals on a public communication network is provided.

July 08, 2012. Gazprom Telecom Ltd celebrated the 16 anniversary of education. From the moment of the beginning of the activity of Gazprom Telecom Ltd constantly expands a presence zone, steadily provides to users a broad spectrum of high-quality telecommunication services in competitive rates.

June 27, 2012. The decision on creation of South Stream Telecom AG Company in the form of joint venture between Gazprom Telecom Ltd and the Slovenian company Comita d.d is made.

June 01, 2012. Exit of the enterprises of Group Gazprom and also other organizations and individuals on a public communication network in Krasnodar Krai is provided.

May 24, 2012. Society acquired the right to conducting the licensed activity in the field of communication services provision in all territory of the Russian Federation (services of local telephone communication, data transmission, telematic communication services).


December 16, 2011. In Krasnodar for the enterprises of Group Gazprom, other organizations and individuals is provided an exit to a public communication network. Due to interaction with the uniform supplier of telecommunication services on behalf of Gazprom Telecom Ltd, high quality of the rendered communication services and reliability of functioning of network is provided to net surfers.

November 10, 2011. According to the solution of JSC Gazprom No. 147 of November 10, 2011 the trade name of Gaztelecom Ltd is changed to Gazprom Telecom Ltd.

July 26, 2011. The multiservice communication network in the Northwestern Federal District is built and put in operation (St. Petersburg).

July 08, 2011. Gazprom Telecom Ltd celebrated the 15 anniversary of the education. Achievements of Society is a result of professionalism, laborious and persistent work of staff of the Company.

June 09, 2011. Multiservice communication networks the Southern Federal District (Krasnodar, Sochi) are built and put in operation.


October 01, 2011. Gazprom Telecom Ltd as the telecom operator of JSC Gazprom, provided an exit of subscribers of Gazprom Transgaz Moscow LLC, to other subsidiaries of JSC Gazprom in Leninsky district of the Moscow region on a public communication network.

July 26, 2010. The Gazprom Telecom Ltd branch in the city of St. Petersburg is created.

June 21, 2010. The Gazprom Telecom Ltd branch in the Moscow region is created.

June 08, 2010. The construction is completed and the network of zone telephone communication is brought into operation. Nodes of data transmission of a multiservice communication network in the Moscow region are constructed and put in operation.


December 31, 2009. It is put in operation by the fiber-optic communication line along the Yamal-Europe gas pipeline on section of Republic of Belarus.

November 02, 2009. The Gazprom Telecom Ltd branch in the city of Kaliningrad is created.

September 03, 2009. The public Internet access point in the city of Maloyaroslavets which is the joint social project of the European Business Congress, JSC Gazprom, Gazprom Telecom Ltd, Siemens Enterprise of Kommyyunikeyshns LLC with assistance of City administration of Maloyaroslavets is upgraded.

July 02, 2009. It is put in operation by the fiber-optic communication line along the Yamal-Europe gas pipeline on section of the Russian Federation.

June 16, 2009. Gazprom Telecom Ltd in the Southern Federal District (Rostov-on-Don) puts in operation own zone communication network.


December 26, 2008. Society acquired the right to conducting the licensed activity in the field of rendering services in providing communication channels in all territory of the Russian Federation.

August 27, 2008. The Representation in Republic of Belarus is created.

May 27, 2008. The Gazprom Telecom Ltd branch in the city of Rostov-on-Don is created.

February 11, 2008. 15 years to Gazprom Joint-stock Company.

February 12, 2008. The construction is completed and the network of zone telephone communication is brought into operation – Gazprom Telecom Ltd becomes the operator of intra-zone communication in Moscow. At the zone Company level has accession with all mobile operators working at the territory of Moscow and the Moscow region. The company actively provides services of high-speed Internet access and data transmission, digital telephone communication with providing a broad spectrum of additional services. Gazprom Telecom Ltd upgrades and expands a transport fiber-optical communication network. One of the major moments in a company performance is complex approach to provision of services. Society implements the finished technical solutions - from requirements analysis before creation and the subsequent service of corporate communication networks.


October 22, 2007. In Rostov-on-Don it is put in operation multiservice communication networks, in Aksay of the Rostov region – local telephone and multiservice communication networks.

January 19, 2007. The CEO of Gaztelecom Ltd Stolyar Nikolay Fyodorovich is appointed to the position of the head of the Gazprom Department for Technology Control System Automation.

1996 - 2006

In the cities of Moscow, Kaliningrad, Rostov-on-Don, Maloyaroslavets and Obninsk of the Kaluga region multiservice communication networks are built and put in operation.

July 08, 1996. The resolution of Board of JSC Gazprom founded Gazprom Telecom Private company.