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Desk service


The Desk Service company created Belarusian "by BPS Sberbank" will be engaged in service maintenance of computers, ATMs, terminals and the other equipment. The similar structure should be started by Sberbank and in Russia.

Number of employees
2016 year


The list of affiliates of Sberbank was replenished with fall of 2012 with the new company – Desk Service Ltd. It located in Minsk at the address Boulevard Mulyavin 6, is told in documents of bank. To the same address there is a headquarters of "BPS of Sberbank" belonging to Russian Sberbank.

"Desk service" is a child IT company "BPS of Sberbank", an analog the Sberbank-Service company created in Russia, - the source close to bank told CNews.

At the same time Oleg Anatolyevich Sosnovsky living in Minsk, the probable head of the new company was entered in the list of affiliates of Sberbank. In "BPS Sberbank" did not answer questions of CNews.

The Sberbank-Service company created in Russia which analog should be Belarusian Desk Service "will be engaged in infrastructure, i.e. jobs, personal computers, ATMs, terminals", the senior vice president of Sberbank Victor Orlovsky told CNews earlier. "In its sphere of responsibility there will be more than one million pieces of equipment. It will be the service company which does not have analogs in Russia with the state in 6 thousand people", - he added. Let's note that in Belarus there is already a representative office of other IT - "subsidiary" of Sberbank - Sberbank-Tekhnologii company. Unlike new service structure SberTech is competence center on the IT systems working in bank and is engaged in software development.

The main activities of the Company are services in maintenance of elements of IT infrastructure and technical support of users; design, construction and repair of data networks; installation, adjustment and maintenance of means and systems of protection; installation, adjustment and maintenance of the systems of the automatic fire warning, warning systems about the fire and managements of evacuation.


2014: Certification on compliance of ISO/IEC 20000:1-2011

On February 19, 2014 Desk Service and I-Teco announced project completion on reduction of a management system for IT services in compliance with requirements of the international standard ISO/IEC 20000:1-2011. In December, 2013 British Standards Institute – BSI (British Standards Institution) Desk Service, the subsidiary company JSC BPS-Sberbank entering into group of Sberbank of Russia booked audit of a management system for IT services. Issue of the certificate of ITMS 608263 became official result of audit.

According to Andrey Plusnin, the head of the company services of I-Teco connected with the ISO/IEC 20000 standard before start of the project in Desk Service company processes of management of the service levels already worked and incident managements and service requests built by the customer independently, at the same time they completely conformed to requirements of the international standard. Within the project about 20 more processes which in interrelation with operating were the certified management system for IT services were implemented. Inspection, holding a training, development of regulating documents, providing consultations on implementation and also maintenance of audits of BSI company were a part of the works performed by consultants of I-Teco.