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MEA (Interregional Energy Service)



Inter RAO



+ Rosneft of the Tax Code
+ Government of the Russian Federation

Limited liability company Mezhregionenergoservice Production Association (OOO PO MES) is engaged in the provision of services for the manufacture of heat exchange equipment, installation of a boiler house and repair of power equipment.


2024: Inter RAO bought Mezhregionenergoservice

The Inter RAO Group of Companies has completed the purchase of the Altai enterprise - the Mezhregionenergoservis Production Association Group of Companies (MES Group of Companies), specializing in the production of boiler equipment. This became known in January 2025.

According to the data presented by the press service of Inter RAO, the acquisition of MES Group of Companies is aimed at expanding the company's competencies in the field of design and production of equipment for the energy sector. Integration of the enterprise into the structure of the subsidiary of Inter RAO-Engineering LLC will strengthen control over the key stages of production, ensuring the fulfillment of obligations on the timing and quality of supplies.

Inter RAO bought a large manufacturer of boiler equipment

MES Group of Companies has been operating since 2001 and is located in the city of BarnaulAltai Territory. The main areas of work include the development, manufacture and installation of steam and hot water boilers, as well as pipeline elements and components for boiler equipment. Among the company's products are collectors, firewalls, water economizers, waste boiler units, air heaters and other products.

The products of the MES Group of Companies are in demand on the Russian market, as well as in neighboring countries. The company is known for the high qualification of engineering and technical personnel and a modern production base. To ensure the quality of products, a multi-level control system was introduced, and a project was implemented to certify the quality management system in accordance with international ISO-9001 standards.

According to the press service of Inter RAO, the deal with MES Group of Companies will allow the company to strengthen its position in the energy engineering market and ensure the fulfillment of long-term goals for the development of new production capacities. It is also emphasized that the integration of the enterprise will create additional opportunities for the implementation of large-scale projects in the power.[1]
