OGU (Orenburg State University)
Since 1955
Volga Federal District of the Russian Federation
460018, Ave. Victory, d. 13
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Orenburg State University."
As of July 2018, it has faculties:
- Faculty of Architecture and Construction
- Aerospace Institute
- Faculty of Geology and Geography
- Institute of Management
- Transport Faculty
- Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
- Faculty of Remote Educational Technologies
- Faculty of Mathematics and Information Technology
- Faculty of Social Professions
- Faculty of Advanced Training and Retraining of State and Municipal Employees
- Faculty of Teacher Development
- Faculty of Applied Biotechnology and Engineering
- Faculty of Vocational Training of Graduates
- Faculty of Philology and Journalism
- Faculty of Economics and Management
- Faculty of Physics
- Faculty of Finance and Economics
- Faculty of Chemistry and Biology
- Faculty of Electric Power Engineering
- Yuridicheskiyfakultet
2022: Opening of the national cyberpoligon reference center
On May 5, 2022, the company Rostelecom Solar"" announced that Orenburg state university the support center of the National Cyberpoligon was opened in (OGU). This educational is a platform where students and IT specialists train to reflect realistic ones, cyber attacks without endangering infrastructure organizations.
"In the current situation, the level of responsibility of departments and companies for safety public, private and, personal data as well as information systems is increasing. This in turn stimulates the development of domestic technologies and competencies. Information Protection at the Cyberexercises landfill Orenburg region in will allow specialists, including from other regions, Volga Federal District to work out specific reflection scenarios computer attacks close to real conditions. In total, this year more than 70 cyber exercises will be held in the support centers of the National Cyberpoligon. Not only specialized specialists, but also students will be able to get practical skills there, "- |
Specialists in cybersecurity of authorities and regional companies, university professors, as well as students themselves will be able to use the infrastructure of the reference center. As part of the opening, information security exercises were held on it.
"The development of the National Cyberpoligon is included in the list of activities of the federal project" Information Security "of the national program" Digital Economy. " This year, we are opening the third training ground of the cyberpoligon to develop practical skills for protecting against cyber threats and the second with the status of a reference center. Until 2024, it is planned to increase the number of points of presence of the National Cyberpoligon in different regions to 15 sites, "- |
On the basis of regional public institution the acting as the rector of regional public institution Sergey Miroshnikov, the minister of digital development and communication Orenburg oblastidenis Tolpeykin, the deputy director of the National cyberground Alexey Maximov and others took part in official opening of the basic center of the National cyberground.
"The creation of a cyberpoligon in the OGU is an important event for the entire IT community. Our students will be able to participate in training, where they will identify and repel automated attacks on critical infrastructure. Each specialized graduate will be prepared practically, which is quite valuable when employing, "- noted the Minister of Digital Development and Communications of the Orenburg Region Denis Tolpeykin. |
The OGU cyberpoligon is a multifunctional digital complex. It is equipped with technological infrastructure, systems and equipment specific to specific sectors of the economy are used. Scenarios of training cyber attacks are developed on the basis of real actions of intruders.
"Our main task is to produce specialists who are well prepared for real working conditions. With the opening of the cyberpoligon, our students will be able to master the direction of information security not only through textbooks and lectures, but also participate in practical events. These can be master classes, full-fledged cyber exercises or various competitions in which students will train to identify and repel cyber attacks. In my opinion, this will help bring our educational program to a qualitatively higher level, " commented on the acting rector of Orenburg State University Sergey Miroshnikov. |
The national cyberpoligon was created on the basis of the resources of Rostelecom-Solar. At the moment, there are seven support and one educational center: at the Far Eastern Federal University, Sirius Scientific and Technological University, Siberian State University of Telecommunications and Informatics, ITMO University, Volga State University of Telecommunications and Informatics, St. Petersburg University of Telecommunications named after prof. M. A. Bonch-Bruevich, Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics and Orenburg State University. By the end of the year, it is planned to open a support center on the basis of St. Petersburg Polytechnic University Peter the Great.
"We cooperate with universities by providing them with access to the infrastructure of the National Cyberpoligon, as well as providing methodological, consulting and organizational support for cyber exercises. A fresh example is a series of Olympiads that we organized in April at venues in engineering universities among students of the North-West, Central, Volga, South and North Caucasus federal districts. In August, similar competitions are planned to be held among students of universities in Siberia and the Far East, and in the fall the winners and prize-winners of each of the Olympiads will be able to meet in the super final - the All-Russian cyber exercises "OpenBonch 2022." Such events make it possible to objectively assess the level of training of students in different regions and increase the interest of students in the subject area due to the element of competition. The opening of a reference center in the OSU allows us in the future to expand the geography of such competitions and reach students of the Orenburg region, which will help strengthen the practical component of training cybersecurity specialists in the region, "- said the general director of Rostelecom-Solar Igor Lyapunov. |
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