Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Electrogas, DOAO




+ Government of the Russian Federation
+ Rosneft of the Tax Code

DOAO "Elektrogaz" of JSC Gazprom is the large enterprise executing a complex project, mounting, commissioning at construction, reconstruction, operation of power supply facilities and being also the producer of different block and complete electric equipment.


The main task of DOAO "Elektrogaz" of JSC Gazprom - ensuring reliable and regular power supply of the gas, gas transmission and gas-processing companies of JSC Gazprom also should be noted that thanks to the most modern equipment, technologies and to the developed group of true professionals any of large projects Gazprom does not do without participation of DOAO Elektrogaz" JSC Gazprom.

Work types

  • providing the enterprises of JSC Gazprom with spare parts to import and domestic electric equipment;
  • installation, modernization, reconstruction, repair and adjustment of objects of power supply of buildings and constructions of the electric and thermal networks;
  • warranty and service maintenance of domestic and import electric equipment of objects of power supply;
  • complex technical diagnostics of a utilities equipment;
  • works on the structure of outside and internal engineering networks and communications up to 110 kV inclusive: electric lighting device; device of heating systems, ventilation and air conditioning;
  • construction and repair of means of electrochemical protection of pipelines and to others of underground and land constructions;
  • comprehensive electrometric examination of pipelines;
  • project development and design documentation on such objects of power supply, as block komlektnye transformer and gas turbine substations, block and complete diesel power stations with power up to 1000 kW and many others.