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Баннер в шапке 2

Elsib NGO



Inter RAO - 98,4%


Revenue and Net Profit millions Ths. rub


+ Rosneft of the Tax Code
+ Government of the Russian Federation

Performance indicators

2023: Annual revenue growth 1.4 times to 7.2 billion rubles

Elsib, following the results of its work in 2023, recorded revenue of 7.2 billion rubles, which is 1.4 times more than a year ago at 5.1 billion rubles. The net profit of the Novosibirsk Power Engineering Plant during this time also increased - from 419.8 million to 660.7 million rubles. Such data in accordance with Russian accounting standards (RAS) were published in April 2024.

As of the end of 2023, the Elsib research and production association develops and produces generators complete with excitation systems, large electrical machines for thermal power plants, thermal power plants, state district power plants, hydroelectric power plants and nuclear power plants. According to Kommersant, the company participates in the federal DPM-2 program (power supply agreement), in the framework of which Elsib will supply two hydrogen-cooled turbogenerators with a nominal capacity of 130 MW to the Novosibirsk TETs-3 in 2024 and 2025. After replacing the equipment, the electric capacity of the station will increase to 537 MW (+ 8%).

Elsib, following the results of work in 2023, recorded revenue in the amount of 7.2 billion rubles

In August 2023, Elsib opened an updated production building in Novosibirsk. Speaking at the solemn event dedicated to the launch of the improved building, Dmitry Bezmelnitsyn, General Director of NPO Elsib, noted that the plant's revenue is growing multiple years from year to year due to the high demand for turbo and hydrogenerators, including abroad.

In 2023, Elsib fulfilled orders for the supply of engines to India at the Kudankulam nuclear power plant, in Bangladesh at the Rooppur nuclear power plant under construction, and in Turkey at the Akkuyu nuclear power plant under construction. In addition, the Novosibirsk Power Engineering Plant has orders from customers in China and Bulgaria. In 2023, it was reported that the plant could be involved in the supply of equipment for the El Dabaa nuclear power plant in Egypt.[1]


2024: Inter RAO bought Elsib

Inter RAO Group acquired 98.4% of the shares of the Novosibirsk NPO Elsib, one of the largest manufacturers of electric generating equipment for thermal, hydro- and nuclear power plants in Russia. The deal was completed in August 2024.

According to Kommersant, NPO Elsib specializes in the design and production of generators, large electric machines for all types of power plants, as well as the provision of overhaul and after-sales services. The capacity of the enterprise allows producing more than 20 models of turbogenerators of various types with a capacity of 6 to 500 MW, hydrogenerators with a capacity of 20 to 300 MW, as well as AC electric motors from 250 kW to 12.5 MW.

Inter RAO bought a manufacturer of equipment for TPP and HPP NPO Elsib

The acquisition of Elsib will allow Inter RAO to form a fully integrated power engineering business with leading positions in the segment of medium-capacity power units. The company expects significant synergies from the interaction of the new asset with other enterprises of the group, such as Russian Gas Turbines LLC, Modern Gas Turbine Technologies LLC and Ural Turbine Plant JSC.

Inter RAO continues to actively expand its portfolio of assets in energy engineering. In 2022, the company acquired a 65% stake in STGT and 100% of Voronezh Transformer. Earlier, in 2021, a deal was completed to buy 100% of the Sigma IT company specializing in digitalization of power and housing and communal services.

This is the filling of the missing link in the technological chain of electricity production at the TPP. Elsib is a large manufacturer of turbogenerators for TPPs of a wide range of power, inferior only to Power Machines. Inter RAO has dozens of power units where generators can potentially be replaced with Elsib, "independent expert Yuri Melnikov notes the strategic importance of acquiring Elsib for Inter RAO.[2]
