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Gazprom design


The child structure of Gazprom which is engaged in engineering design is created under project works for construction of the Force of Siberia pipeline.





+ Gazprom design
+ Government of the Russian Federation
+ Rosneft of the Tax Code
"Implementation of new large-scale projects by "Gazprom' imposes increased requirements to quality and terms of design, and, above all — requires removal of this work on higher level — the chairman of the board of the company Alexey Miller said. — At a design stage not only technical solutions of our future buildings are put, but also their cost characteristics substantially are defined. Consolidation of project assets of "Gazprom' will provide uniform standards of project activity, considerably will increase efficiency".

According to Interfax, "The Gazprom design" integrated in itself design institutes "Gazprom promgaz", "Giprospetsgaz", "Giprogaztsentr", "VNIPIgazdobycha", "TyumenNIIgiprogaz", "SevKavNIPIgaz" TSKBN, "Podzemhydromineral of SPC".

Information technologies in Gazprom

Main article: Information technologies in Gazprom

2019: "Subsidiary" of Gazprom smoothed out development of own software and purchased foreign software on 290 million

As found out CNews in December, 2019, the child structure of Gazprom, "The Gazprom design" conducted large-scale procurement of software of Microsoft at which stage of preparation of work a number of her employees who were engaged in implementation of import-independent solutions and development of own software based on free software products[1] lost[2].

Two sources of CNews familiar with a situation in the engineering company reported that on the eve of the considered purchase in the organization somehow "the policy" concerning the used software changed. Within August-October, 2019 the company management forced to leave in full strength employees of the project on development of solutions using language JavaScript, the manager of messages Apache Kafka, OS Linux and DBMS PostgreSQL.


  1. [ Subsidiary of Gazprom
  2. smoothed out development of own software and purchased foreign software on 290 million]