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Digital Private Institution for the Digitalization of the Nuclear Industry




+ Digital Nuclear Industry Digitalization Institution
+ Government of the Russian Federation

Digital - represents a single Digital Block of ROSATOM State Corporation and is engaged in the digitalization of the nuclear industry as a whole.

Rosatom has approved a strategy for the development of digital technologies aimed at promoting the development of the state. program "Digital Economy," the task of Tsifrum to develop and follow this strategy. This includes end-to-end technologies related to big data, as well as additive technologies, cloud computing, technologies for managing complex engineering objects, artificial intelligence and information security solutions .

2024: TAdviser interview with Software Development Director Oleg Pokrovsky

In March 2024, Rosatom Corporation introduced its own platform for low-code development Atomcode . Oleg Pokrovsky, director of software development at Tsifrum (Rosatom structure), told what is the uniqueness of the platform, what tasks it is suitable for solving and who is already using it. Read more here.

2023: TAdviser interview with CEO Igor Skobelev

Igor Skobelev, CEO, Tsifrum, answered TAdviser's questions on the digitalization of industry, its differences from non-industrial segments (fintech, retail) in December 2023. Read more here.


Plans for the creation of a virtual and augmented reality laboratory on about. Russian together with FEFU

ROSATOM State Corporation and the Far Eastern Federal University, within the framework of a partnership in the field of digital technologies, decided to create a Virtual and Augmented Reality Laboratory on about. The corresponding agreement was concluded between the company "Tsifrum," which is part of the structure of Rosatom, and FEFU. Rosatom announced this on September 3, 2020. Read more here.

Rosatom launched the first laboratory in Russia for the development of quantum AI for the nuclear industry

On July 7, 2020, it became known about the launch of the first laboratory in Russia for the development of quantum and artistic intelligence for the nuclear industry. This is a joint project of Rosatom and the Russian Quantum Center (RCC). Read more here.


Pavel Klepinin appointed director of Tsifrum

As it became known to TAdviser in December 2019, Pavel Klepinin was appointed director of Tsifrum, a member of Rosatom State Corporation. Read more here.

Creating a Company

As follows from the decision of the Board of Directors of JSC Atomenergoprom (part of Rosatom, consolidates the civil assets of the Russian nuclear industry), published on the website of the corporate information disclosure center, Atomenergoprom will take part in the creation of a private institution for the digitalization of the nuclear industry "Tsifrum."

In the fall of 2018, Rosatom approved its own digital development strategy, which includes a roadmap for the development and implementation of digital products. The strategy is aimed at creating advanced digital products and increasing their competitiveness, including in world markets, as well as promoting the development of the state program "Digital Economy."

The development of the digital economy is one of the priorities of Russian state policy. Rosatom increases the efficiency of internal processes by expanding the field of digital technologies and is ready to offer products and solutions based on its own advanced technologies to key sectors of the domestic economy.

"The essence of the digital economy for us is the transition from product trade to life cycle trade," the CEO of Rosatom said earlier. Alexey Likhachev He highlighted important positions for Rosatom. These are end-to-end technologies related to the Internet, industrial internet and, internet of things(), big data big data as well as,, additive technologies cloud computing technologies for managing complex engineering objects, artificial intelligence and solutions for. information security

For Rosatom, participation in the digitalization of the economy is important for a number of reasons. The state corporation claims to become one of the key participants in the program for the transition to the digital economy and a leader in related markets. Digitalization will significantly increase the economic efficiency of Rosatom's activities, accelerate the launch of new products on the market, as well as switch to trading their life cycle.

In addition, digital technologies can become a separate product that Rosatom will offer to the market. Moreover, in order to maintain Rosatom's leading position in the national and foreign markets, it is necessary to adapt the directions of development of the nuclear industry to key trends in existing and promising markets.