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Single electronic trading platform EETP Roseltorg


Number of employees
2015 year


+ Government of the Russian Federation

National operator of electronic bidding for state orders. The Single electronic trading platform provides the most complete trading statistics, which allows you to effectively suppress corruption, ensure the competitiveness of auctions and, as a result, initiate large discounts for customers.

History and Performance Indicators

2025: Roseltorg electronic trading platform has been down for several days. Pro-Ukrainian hackers claim responsibility for cyber attack

On January 9, 2025, the electronic trading platform Roseltorg announced a massive hacker attack on its information infrastructure. Roseltorg's services do not work, and pro-Ukrainian hackers took responsibility for the invasion.

On January 9, 2025, a message appeared on the Telegram channel of Roseltorg about unscheduled work, in connection with which access to services was limited. Later, the organization disseminated information that the failures were associated with an external attempt to destroy data and the entire infrastructure of electronic bidding.

The electronic trading platform Roseltorg has not been operating for several days. Hacker group supporting Ukraine claims involvement in cyber attack

We continue to actively work to resolve the problems that have arisen with access to the site. Every effort has been made to make this happen in the very near future, - said the electronic trading operator.

Roseltorg later notified that all data and infrastructure had been restored. However, as of January 15, 2025, the site and services remained unavailable. It is emphasized that after the restoration of user access to trading systems, all deadlines for procedures (including signing contracts) will be extended automatically without sending requests.

As ComNews notes, referring to the statements of the leading engineer of the company CorpSoft24 Mikhail Sergeyev, such attacks can be aimed at compromising the bidders or manipulating the results. According to him, such incidents are dangerous in that they can lead to leakage of user data and financial losses, and this undermines the trust of participants in the system and can cause serious damage to the company's reputation. The fact is that Roseltorg is one of the largest federal electronic trading platforms. Its corporate customers include Rosatom, Alrosa, Lukoil, Rostelecom, VTB Bank, etc.[1]

2021: Integration with the Moscow Suppliers Portal

Integration of the Supplier Portal and the Roseltorg site will allow users to log in using the existing account of one of the resources. Also, thanks to integration, representatives of small businesses will have access to published procedures at the RoseltorgBusiness site. This was announced on February 15, 2021 by the Complex of Economic Policy and Property and Land Relations of Moscow, according to Vladimir Efimov, Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Moscow Government for Economic Policy and Property and Land Relations. Read more here.

2020: From mid-March to May, the EETP certification center received more than 2 thousand applications for EDS

On May 6, 2020, the Moscow City Department for Competition Policy announced that since mid-March 2020, more than 2 thousand applications for obtaining cloud digital signatures have been received by the certification center of Single electronic trading platform JSC, said Ivan Shcherbakov, head of the Moscow City Department for Competition Policy.

The trend became especially noticeable after the decision on a week-long weekend came into force on March 25, 2020, which was then prolonged. The most popular were cloud electronic signatures. One of the most common formats for applying electronic signatures is in procurement.

The presence of this digital tool allows you to perform actions in more than two hundred areas of the city's life. With its help, it is possible to carry out remote interaction with the main state organizations, which is especially important in the current realities, when almost every resident of the capital has to face restrictions due to a pandemic, "said Ivan Shcherbakov.

The Single electronic trading platform (ETP Roseltorg) became the first federal electronic trading operator to develop and successfully implement cloud electronic signature technology. To issue a cloud electronic signature, you must leave an online application by selecting the necessary set of electronic signatures, pay the bill and confirm your identity at the nearest point of issue.

JSC "Single electronic trading platform" notes that if earlier 90% of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs most often applied for the registration of EDS, now the share of individuals has increased. They now account for up to 20% of the total number of applications. The most popular cloud signature for interaction with state information systems, the Federal Tax Service, Rosreestr, registration of mortgage transactions. These services can be obtained in all regions of Russia.

Most of the users (more than 60%) who received an electronic signature are Muscovites. The following by the number of applications: St. Petersburg, Moscow Region, Yekaterinburg, Krasnodar and Rostov-on-Don.

In the existing conditions, the certification center of EETP JSC also adapted to the mode of remote work, said the general director of the company Anton Emelyanov.

Realizing how important it is to stay at home, EETP employees organized a mechanism for remote reissue of the electronic signature, provided that the current signature of the client was issued by the same certification center and the data of the certificate holder did not change. This digital tool allows you to remotely perform many operations: participate in electronic tenders, submit reports and interact with government agencies and state information systems, register online cash desks on the FTS portal, make mortgage and other real estate transactions, - explained Anton Emelyanov.

2019: The volume of purchases on " exceeded 20 trillion rubles

The volume of purchases carried out on the Single electronic trading platform for 10 years has crossed the mark of 20 trillion rubles. This was announced on December 17, 2019 by the Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Economic Policy and Property and Land Relations Vladimir Efimov.

According to him, as of December 2019, EETP is the largest federal operator of electronic trading in 44-FZ and 223-FZ. Since 2009, more than 3.8 million procurement procedures have already been carried out on it. At the same time, the average percentage of decline is more than 14%, the vice mayor said.

Since the beginning of 2019, customers working on 44-FZ have announced 485 thousand procurement procedures at the EETP, which in monetary terms exceeds 2.6 trillion rubles. The savings that state customers managed to achieve thanks to their purchases at the Unified Electronic trade Platform have amounted to more than 100 billion rubles since the beginning of the year.

The ongoing automation and electronization of the procurement sector, the complete transfer of state and property tenders, as well as purchases small business from into electronic form, certainly played an important role in increasing the number of procedures carried out on the site. This indicator of the trading held on the site is another proof of the maturity of the electronic system purchases Russia and the result of the long and coordinated work of the company's specialists, who are constantly developing new services and services for users of the site, - commented on the results of the General Director of EETP JSC. Anton Emelyanov

2017: Trading search rate up 9 times

On August 9, the Single electronic trading platform announced the launch of an updated version of the open part of the site (the main site). Thanks to modern technological and multimedia developments, the functionality of the open part of the site has simplified and made it comfortable to work with the site for both customers and suppliers.

In addition to the single design, the most important update was the multifunctional platform, which made it possible to increase the speed of searching for trades by nine times, and the overall speed of the site by 2.5 times. Taking into account the various psychological features of the perception of information, specialists also completely redesigned the structure of the pages and created a single user space, - said the general director of the EETP Anton Emelyanov.

According to the representatives of the EETP, finding a suitable purchase from a list of several tens of thousands of procedures will not be difficult even for a novice user. The updated search system, which works taking into account the morphology of the Russian language and separately highlights all relevant information, displays the necessary results almost instantly, in real time. An intuitive interface with a convenient menu will also allow you to quickly navigate the pages of the site and find any information or service you need.

In addition, the Knowledge Base section was created, which is an electronic repository of reference information necessary for the daily work of all procurement participants and site users. In this section, all the most relevant information and instructions for working with trading sections and services "Single electronic trading platform" are collected and structured for users.

An interactive map has appeared in the "Contacts" section, which clearly presents detailed information about all the company's representative offices and electronic signature points in the regions of Russia.

The Press Center section has also been updated, which is an informative news feed that includes, in addition to company news, news from the entire procurement sector. News messages are integrated with all popular social networks - this allows you to quickly share news content of the site.

In the near future, the EETP plans to adapt all pages of the updated site to any screen size - from mobile devices to widescreen monitors.

Within a month (approximately until September 2017), the updated version of the site will be available at, after which it will move to the main address of the site


The volume of trading on " exceeded 10 trillion rubles

The total volume of procurement procedures at the Single electronic trading platform reached 10 trillion rubles in monetary terms, an increase of 12% compared to last year.

Thanks to the electronic procurement procedures carried out on the site, the state and state-owned companies have already saved over 550 billion rubles. Over the past 2016 year alone, customer savings thanks to EETP exceeded 151 billion rubles, for comparison - in 2010, at the dawn of the formation of the electronic procurement market, the amount of savings amounted to 15.2 billion rubles.

In 2016, customers conducted 318 thousand procurement procedures at the Single electronic trading platform under the Law on the Contract System (44-FZ), as well as 121 thousand procedures under the 223-FZ On the Procurement of Goods, Works, Services by Certain Types of Legal Entities. In total, during the operation of the site since 2009, over 2.2 million trading procedures have passed at EETP. The average price reduction from the initial during trading is 14.3%.

As of February 2017, the number of users registered at the EETP JSC site is more than 300,000 customers and over 420,000 suppliers.

Among the largest state institutions and companies that conduct their purchases on the Single electronic trading platform: the Office of the President of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Investigative Committee of Russia, the Bank for Development and Foreign Economic Activity (Vnesheconombank), the State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom, the State Corporation Rostec, the Inter RAO and RusHydro groups, etc.

The amount of data stored on EETP servers exceeded 150 TB

According to the officially presented data "Single Electronic Trading Platform (SETP ETP), the amount of project data currently stored on servers exceeded 150 TB. As of January 2017, the amount of data is more than 158 TB (over 161 thousand gigabytes or 165.5 million megabytes). In fact, these are 7 massive server racks that are located in one of the largest in the data center.

The stored information includes bidding records submitted by bidders and other auction and procurement documents, which are highly confidential documents and data. In addition to information about the trading procedures themselves, the site has accumulated information about more than 600 thousand users of the trading platform, information about all legal entities registered in the system, email addresses and telephone numbers.

The protection of this amount of information implies the obligatory presence of a reliable control and protection system, the maintenance and improvement of which is carried out daily by the site specialists. These are analysts, testers, developers and other technical engineers.

The monitoring system developed by EETP's own specialists in round-the-clock mode examines the entire range of hardware and software of the site and transmits monitoring data to the situation center. In total, more than 3500 sensors are involved in the system, which control the amount of free space on the disks, determine the voltage and temperature of the servers in the data center, study network traffic, etc.

Technicians constantly monitor the performance of the system, configure and implement various new options and services to ensure reliability and improve fault tolerance.

Cybercriminals are improving the methods of their actions and attacks. Increasingly, hackers and scammers are trying to gain access to classified data using automated programs and bots. It is worth noting that recently automated systems, for example, programmed auction robots, which are automatically traded at electronic auctions, are also being used by the bidders themselves. In this direction, the electronic trading platform also has a separate task - to distinguish between permissible robots from malignant and prohibited ones.

In 2016, the specialists of the site and the automatic information security system recorded and prevented over 200 attempts to hack the personal accounts of the bidders. Using special programs and various equipment, fraudsters try to select passwords, and some, using hidden IP telephony numbers and posing as site clients, even call the call center for technical support with a requirement to change their login or access password in the current conversation mode. In such cases, technical support specialists immediately contact the actual, real users of the site and inform them about the incident.

A common way to steal personal data is also to overload site systems with Ddos attacks, but their number is decreasing from year to year.

"If in 2015 a little less than 100 Ddos attacks were committed on the Single electronic trading platform in order to disrupt trading and steal data, then in 2016 there were already about 40 of them. But, despite the fact that the number of Ddos attacks is falling, their power and "intelligence" on the contrary are growing a lot. For example, one of the attacks committed on the site in 2016 was a capacity of 132 Gbps. It was one of the most intense Ddos attacks in Russia, "said EETP General Director Anton Emelyanov

The power of attacks sent to the site ranges from 7 to 15 Gbps, the duration varies from 3 to 20 hours.

To repel all attacks and ensure that even the most powerful attack does not clog the channel, the site uses several backup communication channels from different providers. In addition, the preventive response system operating on the site allows you to duplicate communication channels and quickly classify attacks.


Assessment of the volume of orders of state corporations

EETP experts estimate the potential volume of the order of state corporations and companies with the dominant participation of the state at 11 trillion rubles. per year, which can correspond to 10,000 - 12,000 procedures per year. At the moment, the EETP is technologically ready to conduct up to 10,000 trades per day.

A new trading section for OJSC "Unified Electronic Trading Platform" starts - the first trading platform that meets the requirements of the law on procurement of state corporations and natural monopolies No. 223-FZ, adopted on July 13. The volume of such purchases in 2011 will amount to over 10 trillion rubles. Among the options of the trading system is the distribution of large lots by subcontracts in electronic form. EETP intends to attract more than 70 thousand additional tenders in the commercial sector and increase the turnover of purchases on the site by 2 trillion rubles. in 2012

On July 13, 2011, the Federation Council approved Federal Law No. 223-FZ "On the Procurement of Goods, Works, Services by Certain Types of Legal Entities," introducing the first regulatory requirements for procurement procedures of state corporations and natural monopolies. According to the forecast of the analytical center of the National Procurement Transparency Rating, the volume of purchases in this sector in 2011 will exceed 10 trillion rubles. At the same time, less than 5% of them are traded on transparent foundations. The need for a trading platform for state corporations, commercial enterprises and natural monopolies appeared as a result of this legislative reform.

"The opening of a new trading section and the adoption of relevant legislation in Russia will allow our site to attract more than 2 billion rubles next year. Additional trading volume, increasing turnover by 40-50%," said Anton Emelyanov, General Director of OJSC EETP.
"The commercial platform of the EETP is a logical development of technological solutions for trading state corporations in a new legislative framework. Federal Law No. 223 is an unprecedented step towards increasing the transparency of trading in the large corporate procurement sector. Of course, there are still many by-laws and clarifying regulations to be developed, but the fundamental basis for transferring this sector of the economy to transparent rails has already been laid, and today we are proud to present the first working technological solution ready to ensure this process, "said Emelyanov

Audit of compliance with information security requirements

The Single electronic trading platform has passed a comprehensive audit for compliance with the requirements of the electronic platform for information security. To obtain an independent assessment of the current level of security of the EETP, experts from several of the largest representatives in the field of information protection were involved at once: the International Center for Informatics and Electronics (InterComputer) and the Federal State Scientific Institution "Center for Information Technologies and Systems of Executive Authorities" (CITiS ). The result of the EETP audit was a conclusion confirming the high level of security of the site and the presence in its IT infrastructure of all the necessary requirements regarding information security (IS). The increase in the level of security made it possible to increase market share by 20%.

During the audit, the EETP system was checked by InterComputer specialists for compliance with information security requirements. Automated EETP systems have undergone a fundamental technical assessment of the current level of security. Having carefully analyzed the capabilities of the system, independent consultants concluded that the level of information security and the degree of security of the EETP fully comply with the requirements for electronic trading platforms.

The DDoS attack protection system implemented on the Single electronic trading platform has been especially carefully tested. During the work, InterComputer specialists revealed that the possibility of an effective attack is 0.01%.

As a result of the comprehensive audit, InterComputer consultants prepared a report assessing the compliance of the information security level of the electronic platform with the required standards. The reporting materials were sent to the Federal State Scientific Institution "Center for Information Technologies and Systems of Executive Authorities" (CITiS), independent experts of which confirmed the results of the audit.


The Single electronic trading platform (OJSC "EETP") is an electronic trading operator for state customers and commercial enterprises. The clients of OJSC "EETP" are 217,144 state customers and over 84,000 suppliers. On January 25, 2009 OJSC "Unified Electronic Trading Platform" was selected by the national operator for holding open auctions in electronic form under chapter 3.1. Federal Law No.94-FZ (Protocol of the Government Commission for Administrative Reform of 19.01.2010 No. 95). The company has its own training center and 12 representative offices in Russia.