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Universal Electronic Card (UEC)


JSC Universalnaya elektronnaya karta is created according to the order of the prime minister of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin No. 1344-r of 8/12/2010 is federal authorized organization for release, issue and service of the cards of the same name.

FC Uralsib


Financial results
2014 year
Revenue: 125000



+ Universal Electronic Card (UEC)
+ Government of the Russian Federation
+ FC Uralsib

The federal authorized organization JSC UEK is child structure of Sberbank of Russia.

Performance Indicators

According to base " circuit.focus ", in 2014 net loss of "UEC" made about 814 million rubles at revenue in 125 million rubles. In 2013 "UEC" was "in minus" on 449 million rubles, in 2012 – on 208.9 million rubles.

UEC life after the UEK card

2016: ETSPIB

In 2016 JSC UEK develops an investment program for the help to regions in upgrade of housing sectors and public passenger transport. For this purpose the company together with regional administrations opens the uniform centers of processing and billing (ETSPIB) for the organization of payment services in the transport sphere and housing and public utilities.

By July, 2016 ETSPIB are created in 12 regions: Moscow, Tula, Kaluga, Oryol, Irkutsk, Astrakhan, Kirov, Kursk, Sverdlovsk, Kemerovo regions, Republic of Mari El, Chuvash Republic. Based on ETSPIB in Tula region the Russia's first pilot project on operation of GIS of housing and public utilities will be started.

Creation ETSPIB is intended to become an incentive for development in the region of socially important services industries of the population (transport, housing and public utilities, etc.) and also to increase efficiency and to reduce costs on rendering these services. Besides, activity ETSPIB should strengthen control of providing services and charges on them, including for preferential categories of citizens as ETSPIB performs functions of the third entrusted party at implementation of calculations for the rendered services.

History of implementation of the UEK card

2019: Mikron wrote off expenses on UEC — the failed electronic passport for Russians

As CNews knew, the top domestic manufacturer of microchips to the Zelenograd enterprise "Mikron" in 2019 managed to write off officially in the financial statements some expenses of last years. Among them there were costs concerning not flown up draft of the uniform universal electronic map of the citizen (UEC). The CEO of Micron Gulnara Hasyanova[1] told about this CNews [2].


the State Duma abolished UEC

The State Duma in December, 2016 in the third reading adopted the bill implementing the legislative initiative of the Ministry of Economic Development about canceling of the universal electronic card (UEC) as the obligatory instrument of providing the public and municipal services.

As stated in the document, UEC issued till December 31 of ‎2016 g will be valid before the expiration of its action. Together with the card its applications will work: the bank and identification, containing Insurance Number of Individual Ledger Account and the policy of OMST and also regional supplements.

UECs cancelled in connection with development of the main identity certificate of the citizen of the Russian Federation issued in the form of the plastic card with an integrated microcircuit.

Bill of canceling UEC and comment of Sberbank

On April 18, 2016 the Ministry of Economic Development published[3] for the public discussion the federal law draft "About Introduction of Amendments to the Federal Law "About the Organization of Providing the Public and Municipal Services" and Separate Legal Acts of the Russian Federation" providing a stop of release of the universal electronic cards (UEC) and restriction of their use since January 1, 2017.

The applications installed on UEC such as insurance evidence of mandatory pension insurance and policy of compulsory health insurance, it will be possible to use after 2017 before expiration of the issued card. It will be possible on condition of ensuring technical capability of their acceptance.

The regional and municipal supplements placed on already issued UECs will also be able to function further if the subject of the Russian Federation defines need for such applications. The bill provides also prolongation of service of the digital banking application of UEK payment system: the card can be used in network of the bank which performed connection of the digital banking application and its activation.

The planned issuing volumes of UEC did not manage to be reached

To the bill follows from the explanatory note that need of the termination of release of UEC is connected with the fact that in Russia implementation of electronic identity certificates is conducted. In September, 2013 the Government of the Russian Federation approved the concept which assumes execution of the certificate in the form of the plastic card with the electronic medium of information as the main identity document of the Russian citizens in the territory of the country.

Such certificate will contain visual and electronic media of information with the personal data of the owner written on them. In the list of the data placed on the identity certificate it is going to include the insurance number of the individual ledger account and the taxpayer identification number. At the request of the citizen on him the digital signature facilities used for creation of the qualified electronic signature can be also placed (for the citizens who reached 14-year age). The banking application, unlike UEC, on electronic certificates will be absent.

Is responsible for release of electronic passports of FMS. Earlier in department noted what infrastructure and technology practices which will be created for the UEK project, is going to be used afterwards and for use of electronic identity certificates.

Developers of the bill of canceling of issue of UEC refer also to the fact that since December, 2015 in the Russian Federation issue of cards of national payment system "MIR" which are used including for receiving payments by citizens at the expense of budgetary funds and also as means of payment for preferential categories of citizens and workers of the budget sphere began.

From canceling of UEC in the explanatory note to the bill the Ministry of Economic Development mentions as "bonus" also economy of means of budgets of the subjects of the Russian Federation: the UEK project demands from regions of own financial investments.

In Sberbank, being the major shareholder of "UEC", concerning the bill of canceling of electronic cards told TAdviser the following:

Financing of expenses on release, issue and service of UEC is performed at the expense of means of budgets of the subjects of the Russian Federation. With respect thereto the release of UEC requires considerable costs of budgets. At the same time in the conditions of expected transition to the identity certificate and cards of national payment system "MIR" the specified expenses are inexpedient, - told in the press service of bank. - Adoption of the federal law "About Introduction of Amendments to the Federal Law "About the Organization of Providing the Public and Municipal Services" and Separate Legal Acts of the Russian Federation" will allow to provide economy of means of budgets of the subjects of the Russian Federation and to shareholders of "UEC".

Sberbank also sounded TAdviser statistics that as of April, 2016 about 770,000 applications from citizens on obtaining UEC were received. Earlier in "UEC" calculated that already by the end of 2014 the issuing volume of cards will make about 1 million.

Project implementation was complicated by lack of budget financing, consider in Sberbank. In 2011 "UEC" already had an understanding that the majority of the subjects of the Russian Federation without support of the federal center will not be able effectively to plan expenses, to develop infrastructure and to provide in full timely release of universal electronic cards since January 1, 2013, told TAdviser in bank. At the same time regulations about compensation or joint financing of expenses on the project from law 210-FZ were excluded, added in Sberbank.

In 2012 "UEC" and Sberbank declared determination to carry out at own expense the order of procurements and issue of universal electronic cards in number of 150,000 pieces and to provide to authorized organizations of the subjects of the Russian Federation the corresponding centralized software. According to representatives of Sberbank, to the subjects of the Russian Federation quotas for procurements of UEC were selected and also the issue opportunity on cards of the electronic signature at the expense of "UEC" is given.

Joint financing of the project at the level of regions was extremely limited. Mass the release of UEC did not become owing to what demand for it from users was not created, - summarized in Sberbank in a conversation with TAdviser.


Issue of UEC according to petitions from citizens is prolonged till January 1, 2017

According to the amendments made to the Federal law of July 27, 2010 No. 210-FZ "About the organization of providing the public and municipal services" the release of universal electronic cards according to petitions from citizens is prolonged till December 31, 2016 (The Federal law of December 31, 2014 No. 514-FZ "About making changes in separate legal acts of the Russian Federation").

Since January 1, 2017 issue of UEC to all citizens who did not submit applications for issue of UEC till December 31, 2016 and did not file declarations of abandonment of their receiving is supposed. Shift of terms is caused by need of synchronization of obligatory release of UEC and the beginning of project implementation on implementation of the electronic passport (according to the relevant decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation).

By the end of 2014 applications for obtaining UEC were already submitted by about 600,000 people. 1,417 collection points for statements which are located in all territorial subjects of the Russian Federation work. The release and issue of UEC are free for citizens of Russia. The greatest number of statements - in Tula region, the Chuvash Republic, the Tyumen region, the Komi Republic, the Republic of Bashkortostan, the Astrakhan region, the Lipetsk region, Khabarovsk Krai. Implementation of UEC most actively is implemented in subjects where the Uniform centers of processing and billing - joint ventures of JSC UEK and administrations of subjects for the organization of the most significant services in housing sectors and public passenger transport (The Tula, Kaluga, Oryol, Irkutsk, Astrakhan, Kirov, Sverdlovsk, Kemerovo regions, the Republic of Mari El and the Chuvash Republic) are created.

The Moscow City Duma opposed UEC

At an April Fools' meeting the Moscow City Duma adopted resolutions "About a response on federal law draft No. 652011-6 "About introduction of amendments to the Federal law "About the Organization of Providing the Public and Municipal Services", reported "Expert center of the electronic state" in the Moscow parliament[4].

The initiative belongs to the deputy Andrey Klychkov, CPRF faction. According to it, desire to issue UEC was declared by 8 thousand Muscovites today. The number of those who wrote failure from obtaining UEC reached 8.5 thousand people. As stated on the website of the Moscow City Duma with reference to open data, are voluntarily ready to use UEC less than 0.6% of the population of the country that indicates lack of interest of potential consumers of this service. The law meanwhile provides obligatory issue of UEC to the citizens who did not refuse in writing its receiving.

The program of issue social the card of the Muscovite, similar UECs works in the capital, but more popular – by their December, 2015 5 million were issued. Issue social the card of the Muscovite began 13 months ago.

Failure from UEC will save capital budgets of 30 million rubles, the deputy Klychkov claims.


"UEC" expects to issue more than 1 million cards by the end of the year

Under assumptions of "UEC", for the end of 2014 the issuing volume of cards will make about not less than 1 million, TAdviser in February the vice president of authorized organization Dmitry Ter-Stepanov stated.

He explains the fact that in 2013 issuing volumes of UEC were much lower expected with the fact that, many subjects of the Russian Federation last year waited for adoption of the government solutions concerning future project "Electronic Passport" and parameters of its synchronization with the UEK project, and work on development of infrastructure and release of UEC was conducted not really actively.

In the fall of 2013 the specified decisions were made. So,the government made the decision on release since January 1, 2016 of the electronic passport which infrastructure should be compatible to UEC infrastructure. One of the major, in terms of "UEC", points of the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of 9/26/2013 No. 1742-r is point No. 3 by which it is provided compatibility of infrastructures of application of UEC and the electronic passport.

"Use of technical solutions and practices of "UEC" during creation and implementation of the electronic passport will allow to say that the existing infrastructure of application of UEC actually will be ready for work with the electronic passport. At the same time "UEC" in interaction with the interested state bodies continues work on ensuring accomplishment of this order of the government", - Dmitry Ter-Stepanov says.

The vice president of "UEC" adds that at the same time it is impossible to forget about so-called "infrastructure of regional social cards". For those regions which built the infrastructure under UEC of problems with transition to the electronic passport at once should not be, however there are also other regions which are focused on development of own regional social cards, he says.

For such regions it is crucial to provide compatibility of the infrastructure built by them with infrastructure of the electronic passport and in order that their infrastructure was ready by the time of introduction of the electronic passport, already now its development should provide service of UEC, Ter-Stepanov told TAdviser.

"In this regard many subjects of the Russian Federation in the current year should show good results in respect of an issuing volume of the UEC cards and development of infrastructure of use of the card", - the vice president of authorized organization summarized.


Sberbank extends UEC alone

Preserving of the status of the shareholder of JSC UEK is hardly interesting to Sitronics

Information on the planned increase in the capital of the company was confirmed by its largest shareholder – Sberbank. "In compliance by the business plan of JSC UEK for the second half of the year which was approved by the solution of Board of Directors society needs additional financing, – reported August, 2013 in the press service of Sberbank. – Carrying out additional issue of shares of JSC UEK for the total amount of 1.3 billion rubles is for this purpose supposed".

The UEK project since launch underwent significant change, at first its start was postponed from the 2012th for 2013. However, even the issue of cards begun in the current year progresses poorly so far. It is known that at the moment applications for obtaining maps were submitted by 110.3 thousand citizens, 83.5 thousand cards are manufactured. Earlier the head of JSC UEC Alexey Popov stated plans for issue the current year – 3.5 million cards and 15 million cards – till 2015. At the same time it was initially planned that the total volume of issue of the UEC cards will be 120 million pieces, however now about such digits the speech does not go any more. Considering the current dynamics, it is obvious that even plans for the current year the companies will hardly manage to be implemented.

According to experts, taking into account current situation preserving of the status of the shareholder of JSC UEK is hardly interesting to Sitronics. In addition to reduction of scales of the project of JSC UEK still is unprofitable therefore shareholders are hardly worth expecting any return from the investments in the capital of the company. According to Accounts Chamber which carried out an inspection of UEC, from 2010 to 2012 the company received net losses. The latest data which are given in the report of Accounts Chamber: net loss of JSC UEK according to the results of nine months – 290.3 million rubles. JSC UEK reported that are going to reach self-sufficiency by 2016. Mikron Group belonging to Sitronics notes that change of a share of the holding companies in JSC UEK will not affect business – Mikron will continue to deliver chips for UEC. At the moment Mikron provided UEC of 150 thousand chips. According to the experts, the price of one chip for the UEC cards – about 10 dollars. (On the materials "Kommersant")

UEC entices users free card readers

On September 16, 2013 "UEC" announced start of "incentive campaign" on distribution to the citizens who submitted the application for obtaining the universal electronic map, free card readers - reader devices of interaction from UECs having certified program and hardware of protection.

Under the terms of an action, free card readers will be able to receive the first 50 thousand citizens who will submit applications from the moment of start of this offer. Issue of "prize-winning" card readers is performed only in collection points for the card applications participating in this action which list is published on the website "UEK".

"Using the card reader all electronic services provided on portals of the public and municipal services become available to the holder of the universal electronic card", - note in "UEC".

Having set the free software, it is possible to work safely with the qualified electronic signature placed on UEC that allows to perform legally significant actions (for example, to sign agreements), add in authorized organization.

Without use of the card reader to use UEC for receiving services on these portals from the house it will not turn out: behind services the card holder should look for special infomats or to go to the multifunction centers of provision of services.

Earlier in "UEC" reported that the minimum cost of the suitable card reader is about 300 rub. At the same time the minimum cost of the card reader from the recommended models on the special website "UEK" (the mobile card reader), begins approximately from 700 rub.

It should be noted that in September, 2013 within the All-Russian seminar meeting concerning the draft of the universal electronic map in Astrakhan representatives of "UEC" reported that about 90 thousand cards were at that time manufactured and 120 thousand statements on their issue are adopted. At the same time, on earlier read plans of the company, the expected issuing volume until the end of 2013 made about 3 million cards.

The first year of UEC: results in digits

Issue of UEC according to petitions from citizens started in the territory of all Russia at the beginning of 2013. As of the end of the year more than 800 collection points for statements and issue of cards were open, more than 190 thousand applications for obtaining the map are submitted and more than 147 thousand cards are manufactured, the vice president of "UEC"Vadim Shchepinov reported on December 17, 2013.

The plans which are earlier read by the management of "UEC" assumed much larger issuing volumes of cards for 2013 – about 3 million.

"Our plans for issue were slightly more, but I think, as 200,000 cards for the first year are, probably, a good result, everything could be significantly worse", - Shchepinov noted.

According to him, more than a half of cards according to petitions from citizens are manufactured with record on the card of the certificate of the qualified strengthened electronic signature. Thus, UEC is the most widespread carrier of the strengthened qualified EDS for citizens of Russia now, the vice president of "UEC" adds.

By the end of 2013 about 800 collection points for statements and issue of cards are opened

Issue of cards and their service as of the end of 2013 are performed by 4 banks:Sberbank,Uralsib,"Ak Bars" and Moscow Industrial Bank. 14 more banks, according to Shchepinov, are in process of accession to the project.

As of the beginning of 2014 more than 250,000 trade organizations accept for payment the UEC cards. Among them - MediaMarkt, Eldorado, Intersection, Roundabout, Pyaterochka, Svyaznoy, MegaFon, Euroset. Besides the UEC cards are accepted more than in 68,000 devices of self-service across all territory of the Russian Federation. In "UEC" told TAdviser that for the beginning of 2014 using universal electronic cards more than 170 thousand operations (cash withdrawal, payment of goods and services) for the total amount more than 570 million rubles were performed.

Among project deliverables for 2013 the representative of "UEC" calls also approbation of cashless payment of transport in all subjects of Russia and establishment of relationship with the Pension fund and Fund of compulsory health insurance. The last allowed to make the statement on obtaining UEC also the application for obtaining the Insurance Number of Individual Ledger Account in the system of pension insurance and also issue of UEC as policy of compulsory health insurance in a priority order over other forms of the policy more than in 10 subjects.

In view of the fact that expenses on release of UEC are assigned to regions, "UEC" together with Sberbank was started the investment program within which the companies undertake release of UEC in the subject in exchange for creation in it the uniform center of processing and billing for service of different services according to UEC (transport, housing and communal services, etc.). For the end of 2013 really only 4 regions took advantage of this offer: Astrakhan, Tula, Oryol and Kaluga regions. 14 more regions, according to Vadim Shchepinov, were concluded with "UEC" according to this program of the agreement of intent.

The vice president of "UEC" also reminded that he should become 2016 year of input in Russia of electronic passports which will use infrastructure practices of UEC. According to him, an ultimate goal - to enter in 2016 with the developed infrastructure, and for this purpose it is necessary to continue development of the draft of the universal electronic map.

"on September 19 at a meeting of the government commission on improvement of quality of life using IT technologies the subjects of the Russian Federation were given instructions about that not to stop release of UEC, to provide placement of certificates of the strengthened qualified electronic signature, and also its applications, to provide application of UEC, to provide issue of policies of compulsory health insurance in a primary form, will provide use of the EDS and so on. Therefore work is continued", - Shchepinov summarized.


New command led by Alexey Popov

  • At the end of January, 2012 the press secretary of JSC UEK Yulia Kuchkina reported that the company will begin to issue the first cards in Moscow at the end of March, 2012.

  • In March, 2012 the position of FMS considerably changed. UEC will allow "unload" the national passport of the citizen, the head of Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation Konstantin Romodanovsky considers. On government hour in the State Duma it reported that the electronic card developed now will play a role of the identity certificate and will undertake functions of the all-civil passport.

"Practically the need for national passports will disappear. This document is obviously overloaded", – K. Romodanovsky told, having noted that the passport is often used for the solution of any social or financial problems.
"It is possible to move to a new level that the electronic card was a key to information which concerns the person, and the document would be a possibility of longer use. If we create this card, then we can quite refuse the national passport. I think, within several years we to this option will come", – the official added.
  • At the end of September, 2012 at an extraordinary meeting of shareholders of UEC the vice president of Sberbank Alexey Popov was officially appointed the president of UEK company.

Anna Katamadze was appointed to a post of the senior vice president of UEC, strategy and implementation of UEC, development of UEK technology, public relations and interaction from media are included into her power. Anna Katamadze in combination holds a post of the adviser to the president of JSC Sberbank of Russia. On this a position Anna Katamadze will also be held by financial and legal issues UECs.

In October, 2012 it became known that the position of the vice president who is responsible for business development was occupied by the former director of the department of development of products and services of JSC Mobile TeleSystems Pavel Roytberg.

The former Chairman of the Committee on information technologies and communications of administration of the Volgograd region Vadim Shchepinov will be held in a new position of the vice president of UEC by operation and technical issues and also to be responsible for work of project office of the company.

Russians wait that UEC will replace documents

On September 24, 2012 it became known that more than 52% of the polled Russians approve introduction of the universal electronic card (UEC) and about 30% from them expect that it to replace the majority of documents, experts of Public opinion fund came to such conclusion, having studied results of the conducted survey of opinion of the population.

The polled Russians most often at themselves have the passport (59% of respondents), the health policy (27% of respondents) and the car driver license (25% of respondents). Also among wearable documents: the pension certificate - 18% and the Insurance Number of Individual Ledger Account - 15%. At the same time, about 26% of respondents do not carry with themselves in general any documents.

Besides that one card can replace a number of documents, Russians consider that UEC will be simply convenient both in carrying, and in use - 26% of respondents. And another 3% of citizens are sure that the uniform card will help to avoid delays in execution of other documents and will become simpler works of some services.

At the same time, 14% of Russians consider that introduction of UEC is the one more method "drive the people into a cage" and according to them, everything is better to leave as is.

However, It should be noted that UEC will not replace itself the passport of the citizen or other documents what the head of UEC Alexey Popov declared to CNews. The universal electronic card will become a polygon on which technologies for the passport of new generation will be rolled, and at the first stage the card will provide banking services, access to the portal of state services and the application for payment of journey on public transport.

Among negative points Russians noted high risk of loss of the map - 18%, cracking and frauds - 14%, loss at once of all document package - 7%, access for malefactors to personal information - 7%, excessive control of the state of citizens - 4%, use of the card requires dopnavyk - 3%, possible failures in a system - 3%, long design of the card - 1%, design of the card requires payment - 1%.

It should be noted that positive influence of introduction of UEC is seen by all age groupes of respondents except elderly people (60 years are more senior): 18-30 years - 64%, 31-45 years - 62%, 45-60 years - 47%.

FOM notes the interesting fact - 35% of Muscovites consider UEC the inconvenient tool.

  • In November, 2012 Anna Katamadze told about the status of development of the UEK project on CNews FORUM 2012.

  • For December, 2012 in Russia there are three regions where risks on failure to meet time constraints of start of UEC are high, it to journalists was declared on December 17, 2012 by the president of UEC Alexey Popov.

"Now the Ivanovo region, the Magadan and Saratov regions have risks on failure to meet time constraints on implementation of UEC", - he said. - There is nothing that could slow down implementation of the federal law on UEC. Despite everything, issue of cards according to petitions from citizens will begin since January 1, 2013".

Alexey Popov in a conversation with TAdviser hoped that heads of these three regions will be more attentive to a problem. "We are in turn in every possible way ready to help them", - he told. - Generally a problem that in regions do not want to work independently. We delivered them in addition more than 150 thousand cards, the product "Windows of Sberbank" - everything that the work was completed in time".

According to the Popov's statement, at the beginning of December, 2012 UEC appeared with the offer to the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications and FMS on development based on UEC of the electronic identity certificate at the legislative level. "We hope for any solution already at the end of the first half of 2013", - TAdviser it told. - Next year about 5 million cards will be issued".

Alexey Popov reported to TAdviser that the planned payback of the UEK project is 5 years. "We as any commercial organization, we will earn. Yes, now development goes for the investment account of shareholders, but so will be not always", - it continued. - Most likely the company will earn from the commissions at payment of these or those services". About the size of the commission he commented to the correspondent of TAdviser quite vaguely: "Somewhere there are 1-5%. It will be more precisely solved later".


UEC project startup

The Government of the Russian Federation the resolution of March 11, 2011 N163 made a number of changes to regulations on the Ministry of Economic Development (MED) of the Russian Federation according to which the MEDT is equipped with a number of functions on implementation of the universal electronic cards (UEC).

The realization of additional powers is enabled within the extreme number of employees of central office of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation and budgetary appropriations provided to the ministry in the federal budget on the management and management in the field of the set functions set by the Government of the Russian Federation.

The Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation is defined by authorized federal executive authority in the cases provided by the federal law "About the Organization of Providing the Public and Municipal Services".

The Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation approves the list of additional visual data of the universal electronic map and also other data which are subject to fixing on the UEK electronic medium; a standard application form about issue of UEC; an order of cancellation of UEC in case of refusal the citizen from its use.

The MEDT will define an order of maintaining the unified register of the universal electronic cards issued in the territory of the Russian Federation and also registers of the universal electronic cards containing data on the universal electronic cards issued in the territory of the subjects of the Russian Federation.

The ministry sets requirements to banks and requirements to the agreement signed by the federal authorized organization provided by Part 7 of Article 23 of the federal law "About the Organization of Providing the Public and Municipal Services" with the banks participating in provision of services within the digital banking application according to the specified federal law and to an order of its conclusion - together with the federal executive authority performing functions on development of state policy and legal regulation in the field of banking activity and the Central Bank of Russian Federation.

The MEDT defines an order of the conclusion and a condition of agreements which authorized bodies of the government of the subject of the Russian Federation, the authorized organizations of the subject of the Russian Federation, other bodies and the organizations participating in process of providing the public and municipal services using universal electronic cards are obliged to conclude with federal authorized organization - in coordination with federal authorized organization.

Also the MEDT is allocated with functions of control of implementation of the government of the subjects of the Russian Federation of functions by authorized bodies on the organization of the activity connected with release, issue and service of universal electronic cards; methodical ensuring activity of the multifunction centers of providing public and municipal services; monitoring of activity of the multifunction centers of providing public and municipal services.

According to the resolution, the MEDT will perform examination of drafts of administrative regulations of execution of the state functions and providing the public services developed by federal executive authorities, bodies of state off-budget funds of the Russian Federation; approval of rules of development, the connection and functioning of the digital banking application and technical requirements to it developed by federal authorized organization; approval by the set federal authorized organization of the list and the size of rates for service of universal electronic cards in the part which is not concerning functioning of digital banking applications.

Agreement with MasterCard

In 2011 implementation of UEC is performed already in seven pilot regions: Astrakhan region, Bashkiria, Volgograd region, Moscow, Novosibirsk region, Tatarstan and St. Petersburg. Time allowed to pilot regions for technology testing will be used for saturation of UEC by the maximum number of services.

Plan of implementation of UEC

In March, 2011 the President Dmitry Medvedev distributed to officials of order, the concerning implementations in Russia of the universal electronic card (UEC). The list of instructions covers term until the end of 2011.

Follows from the list of instructions that in the history of implementation of the Russian UECs of 2011 will remain the preparatory period during which the estimate of the project will be made, it is prepared its normative and the legislation, regulations are developed, training of citizens in use of electronic state services and preparation of infrastructure will begin.

Judging by one of presidential instructions, UEC which in the long term will have to replace the most part of civil documents in the near future will replace only the car driver license, the policy of social insurance, the policy of the CMTPL and the certificate of the migrant in the system of FMS. For these document types will be, according to the Medvedev's orders, regulations in 2011 are developed.

Except the legislative side of the problem, an action of 2011 will concern the technologies connected with implementation of UEC. It is supposed that in 2011 development of personal terminals for reading of the universal card and the corresponding software will be begun. In orders of the president it is specified what should be provided by software for work with UEC to citizens free of charge. The expected price of personal reader devices is not mentioned in the text of the document.

The Minister of Communications of Tatarstan Nikolai Nikiforov told CNews that in state agencies of its region about 10 thousand reader devices are installed, he estimates the cost of each of which "approximately at 200 rub". According to him, in Tatarstan 180 thousand regional electronic cards at their general circulation of 250 thousand are actively used.

The Medvedev's orders on start of the universal electronic card (according to the results of commission session on upgrade and technology development of economy of Russia of February 28, 2011)

Task Term Responsible
Creation normative and legislative bazydlya release and use of universalnykhelektronny cards May 1, 2011. Prime minister V. Putin
Statement technical trebovaniyk universal electronic kartams possibility of use of chipovinostranny production (temporarily). Development of transition to chips of the Russian production
Утверждение плана внедрения универсальных электронных карт, финансово-экономическое обоснование, включающее тарифы на процессинг карт при получении гражданами state and municipal services
The approval of requirements to the financial institutions providing services to users of universal electronic cards
Enter implementation of universalnykhelektronny cards to programs of informatization federal the organovispolnitelny power.

Provide connection of departmental information systems to the system of an interdepartmental elektronnogovzaimodeystviye, consider requirements for personal data protection

June 1, 2011. Prime minister V. Putin
Organize development of free software for reading from the card personalnykhdanny and the electronic digital signature of the user using personal terminals when receiving state services.

Provide offers on production to the Russian Federation of the equipment for reading of cards.

Publish regulations about use of the universal electronic card as the car driver license, the insurance policy (including the policy of the CMTPL) and the certifying document in the system of FMS December 25, 2011. Prime minister V. Putin
Publish regulations and bills of stimulation of citizens to receiving state services in electronic form.

One of incentives can become snizheniyegosposhlin and other obligatory payments for consumers of state services.

Connect information systems of authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation, local governments and organizations rendering state services in electronic form to a single system of interdepartmental electronic interaction.

Provide compatibility of the relevant protocols and technical solutions.

July 1, 2011. Prime minister V. Putin,

management officials of territorial subjects of the Russian Federation.

Provide training of citizens in use of universal electronic cards.

Provide citizens of information on advantages of use of cards and about the state services provided with their help.

December 25, 2011. Prime minister V. Putin,

management officials of territorial subjects of the Russian Federation.

Provide creation of the electronic database for release and use of universal electronic cards, including digital photos of citizens of the Russian Federation. December 25, 2011. President's Plenipotentiary Representative in the Uralskomfederalny district N. Vinnichenko,

President's Plenipotentiary Representative in the Dalnevostochnomfederalny district V. Ishayev,
President's Plenipotentiary Representative in the North Zapadnomfederalny district I. Klebanov,
President's Plenipotentiary Representative in the Centralnomfederalny district G. Poltavchenko,
President's Plenipotentiary Representative in the Privolzhskomfederalny district G. Rapota,
Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Siberian Federal District V. Tolokonsky,
Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Southern Federal District V. Ustinov,
Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the North Caucasian Federal District A. Khloponin,
management officials of territorial subjects of the Russian Federation.

Accept regional plans of implementation of universal electronic cards,

provide creation of regional infrastructure for acceptance of cards

September 1, 2011. Management officials of territorial subjects of the Russian Federation.
Provide administrative regulations of state services in the subjects of the Russian Federation in sootvetstviyes the plan of implementation of universal electronic cards, an utverzhdennympravitelstvo.

Provide compatibility of information systems of authorities in the subjects of the Russian Federation with infrastructure of state services in electronic form.

Works on UEC in 2011 affected the existing IT infrastructure of authorities. The president charged to heads of regions to connect information systems of authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation and the organizations rendering state services to "a single system of interdepartmental electronic interaction" and to provide compatibility of the relevant protocols and technical solutions. These works had to be performed by July 1, 2011 that did not occur.

By the end of 2011 in regions databases based on which card issue will be made had to be created. Databases should contain digital photos of citizens.

Medvedev provided stimulation of citizens to use of universal electronic cards in the instructions. So decrease in the state fees and other obligatory payments for consumers of state services using cards can become one of incentive motives to their receiving.

At last, the president gave assignment to permit one of the most painful questions of implementation UEC — financing of all project. Till March, 2011 implementation of infrastructure of cards in pilot regions happened at the expense of participants of JSC Universalnaya elektronnaya karta - Sberbank (34%), Uralsib bank (33%) and AK BARS bank (33%). At the same time, according to the head of Sberbank German Gref, "so far any of investors could not pay back costs for UEC infrastructure, and the first hopes for payback belong at the right time in 2-3 years". Partly, for this reason as the head of Sberbank speaks, from participation in the project Bank of Moscow and VTB evaded.

In several hours prior to the meeting of the presidential commission on upgrade at which the list of orders of Medvedev to the government was accepted Gref criticized investment uncertainty of the draft of the universal electronic map.

The president Medvedev on commission session on upgrade recognized that "bank and financial structures, are the main devotees of this process (implementations of UEC are a comment of CNews)", but at the same time it is necessary to determine also the state amounts of financing of the project. Judging by the list of instructions, determination of the state share of financing is entrusted to Vladimir Putin who should provide reasons on the estimate by May 1, 2011.

  • On June 17, 2011 the management of "UEC" signed the agreement with MasterCard which received the status of the partner in project implementation.

  • In September, 2011 UEC announced the beginning of online vote for the new logo — 62 applicants, as of Wednesday evening the sent requests participate on September 21 in advance. The main criterion — technological effectiveness, said in documentation of tender. Following the results (will be brought after September 27) 10 most popular works will be submitted to the judgement of expert advice for determination of the most successful logo finalist, explained to Marker in the company. On a logo the winner will receive 300 thousand rubles for property rights, at the same time UEC reserves the right not to use creative result of the winner.

File:УЭК - заявки на конкурс лого 2011.jpg

Nevertheless, as reported, in May, 2011 the government commission under the leadership of the chief of staff of the government Vyacheslav Volodin already approved the prototype design of the electronic card. In the company answered it that directly the UEK logo, the bank selected by the citizen for the corresponding application and also a logo of a payment system can change depending on the solution of the organization.

According to the source, close to UEC, in December, 2011 the company will start the new website focused already rather on users (B2C), but not on partners (V2vskhema business to business is "business-business"). Rebranding of UEC is planned for winter — it is supposed that process will be based on results of the announced competition.

  • At the beginning of August, 2011 it became known that the Ministry of Economic Development adopted the directive and coordination plan of implementation of the universal electronic cards (UEC). Completely the document can be seen here.

The plan is broken into 7 big points which are crossed on time:

  • preparation and beginning of works on release of UEC (documentary work, integration of information systems),
  • ensuring readiness of card issue (certification of a cryptocore, development of the identification application),
  • departmental and industry implementation of UEC,
  • development of infrastructure in banking sector,
  • regional implementation (call centers issue points),
  • marketing and educational efforts and, at last
  • trial operation.

It is interesting that card issue with the Russian chip should come to the end in July, 2012. For release of UEC the federal authorized organization 'Universal Electronic Card' will sign agreements with other project participants and integrates software with them and also the system of interdepartmental electronic interaction (SIEI) through which data between departments are transmitted.

Some dates of the plan of implementations of UEC approved by the Ministry of Economic Development

Name of a task End date
Completion of preparation of the equipment and IC FUO 30.09.2011
Integration of the IC FUO with the systems of other participants and SIEI for trial operation 31.10.2011
Integration of the IC FUO with the systems of other participants and SIEI for commercial operation 01.12.2011
Readiness for release of UEC in the mode of commercial operation 01.01.2012
Release of UEC with the Russian chip 30.07.2012

Source: Ministry of Economic Development

An executive in charge on the majority of the actions connected with UEC is the corporate management department of the Ministry of Economic Development.

  • Since October, 2011 UECs are issued only to employees of state institutions in Moscow, the vice president of JSC UEK Andrey Petkevich told. Till December, 2011 there were two issues of cards. Responses on their use arrive to the operator of the project - JSC UEK. In December, 2011 - January, 2012 of "UEC" is going to begin to issue cards to ordinary citizens of the capital.

Funny thing with a photo of the actress

In January, 2011 on the official website of the project of issuance of universal electronic cards the example of design of UEC is published. The card contains a surname, a name and the citizen's middle name, date of his birth, number of the bank card account, the insurance number of the individual ledger account in the system of mandatory pension insurance, the photo and other information about the citizen and the organization which issued the card.

At least for day the American actress Ember Hyord who became known after shootings in a TV series of Secret of Palm Springs became the face of the Russian Universal electronic card. The photo Ember was placed on the card sample posted on just opened the website UEK. officially requested confirmation that the actress gave the consent to use of an image from JSC UEK. Soon after receiving a request the person of madam Hyord disappeared from the image on the website. The response of UEC to a request of Marker was it.

After the publication of Marker the design of the Universal electronic card which will become the main document of the Russian soon began to change directly in the eyes. At first from the image of the card logos of Sberbank which is one of founders of JSC UEK, and PRO100 payment system belonging Sbera were urgently deleted. Then from the website the logo of UEC was gone. Later the photo on the image of a card was vague.

In the nice girl designated as Olga Ivanova the actress, popular in the USA, Ember Hyord is recognized. JSC UEK did not begin to wait when the official representative of the actress contacts them for explanation (which also addressed for comments), and hurried to correct an oversight, thereby having confirmed that used the photo without the permission.

Russian Orthodox Church against UEC

  • On March 5, 2011 in Moscow there took place the All-Russian public forum which was prepared and held quickly (within 2 days). In real time watched work of a high meeting in more than 25 regions of Russia. For discussion of the major problems and issues of globalization there arrived participants from Ukraine and Belarus.

Haste in preparation and holding the Public forum was connected by the fact that on March 9 will pass the second reading of the bill of implementation of UEC in the Moscow City Duma.

  • The Moscow City Duma at a meeting by a majority vote adopted on March 9, 2011 the law according to which in Moscow the universal electronic card providing access to the main public services of the city is entered. In day of a meeting several priests organized a prayer near an input in the Moscow City Duma, requiring not to adopt the law on introduction of the universal electronic card. "I require not to make out to me the universal electronic card and to exclude my personal data from an information system of universal electronic cards", said in the statement to the Russian President, the Russian Prime Minister, the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation, the secretary of the Civic chamber of the Russian Federation, the CEO of JSC Universalnaya elektronnaya karta, the Mayor of Moscow and also the Chairman of the Moscow City Duma. Submitted the address said that without their consent information on all aspects of life of the person integrates: health, income, property, social security, commission of legally significant actions, personal and family secret.

  • Vsevolod Chaplin about the dangers connected about UEC (March, 2011)

  • On April 17, 2011 the meeting against implementation of the universal electronic card (UEC) took place in Moscow at Pushkin Square. Communists took part in it, the All-Russian public organization of large families "Is a lot of children — it is good!", Union of Orthodox Gonfaloniers, etc. Participants of a meeting expressed the concerns, connected with the fact that it is right those who will decide to refuse use of UEC, will be significantly cut down and limited. Today the base for the similar scenario of succession of events was already prepared by the State Duma, having withdrawn on December 16, 2009 from the Federal Law "About Personal Data" of regulations on personal data protection. Besides, recently the Moscow City Duma adopted in the second and third readings the law on the Universal Electronic Card of the Muscovite at once. All amendments of the working group approved with Russian Orthodox Church, in particular, directed to that personal information of citizens did not get on the black market were rejected.

February 4, 2013. The Russian orthodox church published the official position in connection with development of technologies of accounting and personal data processing. Directly UEC is not mentioned in it, however in a position it is told about need to provide material, technical and if it is necessary, by legal safeguards implementation of the right of citizens to access to the social benefits without electronic documents.

Popular vote on design

On February 11, 2011 on the CNews portal at the initiative of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications Internet poll devoted to three options of design of the card was held[5]. More than a half of votes (5000 people) was given for the option given below.

In May, 2011 the government commission approved the prototype design of the Universal Electronic Card (UEC) which shortly as it is supposed, will become the main document of citizens of Russia and means of payment.

File:karta UEK small.jpg
File:karta UEK1 small.jpg

In comparison with the initial version, it is a little changes in the prototype design. On a card face UEC coat of arms while earlier it was supposed to place also the coat of arms of the territorial subject of the federation, in which the card holder lives is located. On the new prototype design, as before, logos of Sberbank of Russia and PRO100 payment system are represented.

International payment systems of Visa and MasterCard worried earlier that they can not be started up in the UEK project. At the same time the MasterCard Maestro logo is placed the card model as an additional payment product on the back. It is interesting that the Maestro logo is placed on that place where the protection element in the form of the hologram appeared in the previous option.

Developers of the model made a card reverse side more informative, having added a sex of the holder and number of its policy of compulsory health insurance. Phone numbers of a support service of bank were cleaned though in former version of the model they were.

Design of the website

After creation of joint stock company UEC had no long time of own portal. The portal was open in January, 2011. The family symbolizing need and pleasure of obtaining UEC became a capital illustration which is visible when opening any available page of the website. But this family, apparently, has the American origin. The matter is that just the same image is on sale in the American image banks long ago.

So, at the Punchstock photoaggregator it is specified that the photo is called "A family portrait in the park" and enters the Valueline collection belonging to the known Washington holding Getty Images. Punchstock sells photos at the price of $14-36 now, earlier requiring $49. Thus, the image hardly was of UEC more expensive than $49.

File:УЭК семья на сайте.gif

Meeting on UEC with 75 regions

On October 12, 2011 in the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation the meeting took place. To a meeting there arrived more than 150 representatives from 75 subjects of the Russian Federation. The Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation Oleg Fomichev opened a meeting. The report was made by the director of the department of the innovative development and corporate management of the Ministry of Economic Development I. Oskolkov who announced accomplishment of priority actions for implementation of the Universal electronic card. At the moment in 73 subjects authorized organizations are defined, the Ministry of Economic Development approves rules EPSS UEK and rates for service of universal electronic cards in the part which is not concerning functioning of the banking application are approved.

It was mentioned that in 10 subjects of the Russian Federation authorized organizations are still not created. Also recommendations about the organization of card issue UEC were made. The principles of security of information of EPSS UEK were separately discussed.

Organization of promotion UEC

On October 20, 2011 it became known that the Ministry of Economic Development is ready to spend 20 million rubles to find out whether Russians of introduction of the universal electronic card (UEC) are afraid and what phobias at them are present at the relation of "the electronic passport". The conducted research will form the basis of information campaign for promotion of UEC among the population. As envisioned by officials, advantages of the universal card to Russians will be popularly explained by "national leaders".

The Ministry of Economic Development acted as the customer of works on carrying out the system researches concerning the attitude of Russians to introduction of universal electronic cards. According to the tender documentation, department intends to reveal expectations and concerns of citizens on the eve of a project startup. Already since January 1, 2012, having submitted the corresponding application, Russians will be able to become the owner of UEC, and since 2014 mass card issue will begin.

In researches as it is specified in the request, should take part as those citizens who already use today the bank card, and those who have no such experience. Though poll will take place among citizens of different age, the customer emphasizes that the emphasis nevertheless should be placed on the senior generation.

According to the results of researches the company which conducted them will have to provide offers on promotion of UEC. Within the advertizing campaign the printed materials will be turned out, with the population it is going to work through structures which citizens often visit — the Pension fund, Sberbank. "national leaders" who will popularly tell citizens about that why UEC is necessary and as to use it will even be involved in promotion.

Postponement of the beginning of issue since 2012 for 2013

It was planned that the first universal cards will begin to be issued to Russians in 2012 in a declarative order, and since 2014 in notifying. But on November 17, 2011 it was announced that starting date of issue of cards is postponed for a year - for January 1, 2013. The deputy head Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications Ilya Massukh said that the relevant amendments in 210 Federal Laws, according to him, should be adopted on November 17[6].

Implementation time of the card is postponed because its application depends on transition to electronic interdepartmental interaction (SIEI). "If we do not make it, then the card will be exclusively payment instrument. But we it not really would like", - Massukh added. According to the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications for November 9, 2011 from 83 regions physical and logical connection to federal SIEI was organized by 38.

Earlier Medvedev also charged to Putin to organize development of free software for reading from the map of personal data and the electronic digital signature of the user using personal terminals when receiving state services. Besides, the prime minister had to provide offers on production in Russia of the equipment for reading of cards.

  • On December 8, 2011 the vice president of JSC Uniwersalnaja elektronnaja karta (UEK) Andrey Petkevich said that federal infrastructure is already ready to issue of universal electronic cards. He noted that with all subjects test issue of cards is carried out. It is planned that it will be possible to write the application for obtaining the map in all 83 regions of the Russian Federation since January 1, 2012. At the same time, as A. Petkevich noted, the subject of the Russian Federation should make at first the decision that in its territory such card therefore a number of regions will begin release later begins to be issued.

  • According to the vice president of "UEC" Andrey Petkevich, for December, 2011 "more than a half of regions are already ready to issue of UEC since January 1, 2013", for this purpose the citizen will have to write the application. And on January 1, 2014 cards will be issued already in a notifying order, i.e. all that who did not submit the application for issue of the card before and did not declare failure from it.

Deprivation of UEC of the status of the identity certificate

At the end of December, 2011 it became known that UEC nevertheless will not prove the identity of its owner. Against use of UEC as the identity document, the Federal Migration Service repeatedly acted. "Investment of UEC with similar functions prematurely. The service directed the objections to the Ministry of Economic Development", – told a source in FMS. In justification of such position the interlocutor specified that the electronic card issuer appoints JSC UEK which, according to the law, is not given the right issues of identity documents. This power belongs to FMS, notes a source. Besides, in FMS specify that providing state services by migration service at presentation only to UEC also contradicts the law. It is about execution of the passport of the citizen, his registration at the place of residence and the place of stay, etc.

When rendering state services of FMS it is obliged to certify presence at the applicant of the Russian citizenship as these services are provided only to the having his faces. Today the only document confirming citizenship of the Russian Federation is the passport (according to Article 10 of the Federal Law "About Citizenship of the Russian Federation"). UEC is not and cannot be the document confirming the Russian citizenship, consider in FMS. As note in department, the electronic card issuer (JSC UEK) "is commercial economic entity and is not authorized to perform functions on control and supervision in the field of migration".

Such position of FMS found support in the government. The Ministry of Economic Development excluded the provision setting UEC as the identity document from amendments which were going to be entered to the government. In addition the universality of electronic cards of the citizen was opposed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Department believes reasonable to use UEC not as the car driver license, and only as the document which confirms its existence. Today the rights are among identity documents of the citizen. In case of deprivation of UEC of this function replacement of the existing certificate with the card is impossible.

"It is necessary to understand that in 210-FZ initially and so far an opportunity to provide the federal law that UEC is the identity document is specified, – commented on a question in the press service of UEC. – That UEC will replace the passport, it was announced as perspective".

On the website of JSC UEK in December, 2011 it was specified that the card in addition bears functions of the identity document, but in the cases established by the law. In particular, according to the original version of the bill "About Making Changes in Separate Legal Acts of the Russian Federation", it is possible to use UEC as the identity certificate at filing of application in ZAGS or on receiving a work pension, at registration of the rights to the aircraft, obtaining the license for activity as the private detective, etc.

2010: Registration of JSC UEK and pilot projects

  • JSC Universalnaya elektronnaya karta is registered in May, 2010,

  • On August 12, 2010 became the operator of the project on implementation of the universal electronic card according to the order of the government.

Since September 1, 2010 in three Russian regions implementation of a pilot project on implementation of universal electronic cards began. The choice of regions and categories of the population was explained by the fact that there are already developed systems of social cards. In the Astrakhan region such project is implemented by Sberbank, in Bashkortostan — Uralsib bank, in Tatarstan — Ak Bars bank However, the last will not cancel yet: will operate on the first stage of a system of social and universal cards in parallel. And so will be until universal cards do not provide similar functionality. Social cards will be supported before end of their validity period.

Before start of pilot projects according to UEC the range of services on social cards in pilot regions was very limited. In Tatarstan, for example, on them only travel privilege in public transport is available. In the Astrakhan region and Bashkortostan cards provide wider list of services, including medical and bank. In Bashkiria in addition on the social card it is possible to receive data on the size of pension savings, taxes and also different discounts and bonuses.

15 types of public services were provided in the program of a pilot project. It was supposed that in addition to standard set within UEC according to the card it will be possible to carry out registration of cars and checkup, will affect data from EGRP and the uniform inventory of the real estate, information on administrative offenses in the field of traffic in it; about a status of a retirement account, compulsory health insurance; necessary for a design, issue, replacement of the passport and other documents, etc.

By the end of 2010 the first test stage of a system in 3 pilot regions was completed. According to the bill "About Providing the Public and Municipal Services" drafted by the Ministry of Economic Development, UEC can be received since January 1, 2012, in two years all Russians without exception will get it.

Losses of JSC UEK and costs for creation of a system

According to base " circuit.focus ", in 2014 net loss of "UEC" made about 814 million rubles at revenue in 125 million rubles. In 2013 "UEC" was "in minus" on 449 million rubles, in 2012 – on 208.9 million rubles.

Costs for creation of the UEK system consist of several large blocks:

  • costs for card issue,
  • costs for creation of infrastructure of acceptance of cards,
  • costs for infrastructure of processing of requests for rendering and results of rendering services using UEC.

Also in the course of system operation of UEC it will be necessary to cover housekeeping overheads of the corresponding infrastructure (operating costs).

Both budgets of territorial subjects of the federation, and means of private investors, including the organizations placing on UEC of the application for the purpose of rendering the corresponding services can be financing sources of costs for release of UEC. For example, the commercial banks placing the banking applications on UEC can be such organizations.

In August, 2011 it became known that the project on implementation of UEC will be deprived of the promised public financing in the amount of 49.2 billion rubles. Therefore the general budget of 101.3 billion rubles had to lay down on shoulders of the banks and other commercial organizations expecting to earn from UEC. By rough estimates, more than 8 billion rubles should be paid within the Moscow program. For example, conditions of the capital government for banks provide that those should pay compensation of authorized organization for participation in the project. The amount of such compensation will be 25% of expenses on release of UEC.

"the C points of view of business the interest of banks in participation in the project is not absolutely clear. Most of the Russian citizens already have payroll cards, and is not clear for what to them to activate the banking application also on UEC, – the expert of Association of the Russian members of Europay Nikolay Pyatiizbyantsev said. – Less secure population in principle does not use electronic banking services, does not go abroad, and, above all, has no sufficient means on accounts which could be interesting to banks".
"Without having appeared in the list, banks risk to lose the existing clients, – the head of department of plastic cards of department of retail business of VTB 24 Alexander Borodkin considered. – On the other hand, taking part in the project, banks will be able to receive in the long term clients of credit institutions which were not included into the list".

Why UEC was necessary

UEC resembled usual all the bank card superficially. But its tasks and functionality had to be wider. At the universal card two basic functions – identification and payment, at the same time each of them is protected by own PIN code. Identification includes, except data on the identity of the owner, the electronic digital signature, data of insurance and compulsory health insurance.

Like the normal bank card the universal card can be used for payment of goods and services in shops and any other organizations. The card can be applied generally via different terminals, at connection of the computer to the Internet, in the future - using mobile phones.

On the card also other applications which will automatically register in ATMs can be loaded. The transport application should become one of the first: by April, 2013 according to the order of the government in each region one route working with the UEC cards should be started at least.

Emergence in Russia was stated UEC of the citizen in the federal law 210-FZ adopted on July 27, 2010 'About the organization of providing the public and municipal services'.

It was planned that the universal electronic map will become the identifier of the citizen and will be able to replace to it a set of other documents. At a project startup in 2010 it was supposed that UEC will contain about 260 appendices, it will be able to be in the future used as replacement to the passport, car driver license, to contain pension and medical data of the citizen and many other things. At the end of 2011 it became clear that the functionality of UEC will be much more modest.

Report of Channel One (March, 2011)

It is supposed that using UEC it will be possible:

  • pay housing and communal services and a passport office, taxes, duties and penalties in traffic police,
  • travel by public transport,
  • make banking activities,
  • register in appointment,
  • place money for a power supply of the child at school.

UEC and electronic state services

The universal electronic card is developed on the basis of the uniform federal standard. It had to succeed all social cards which were locally issued by territorial subjects of the federation and also to replace many other documents, such as, for example, policy of compulsory health insurance, insurance evidence of mandatory pension insurance, student ID cards, travel documents on transport and many others.

It was supposed that using the card it will be possible to receive the public, regional and commercial services in electronic form using ATMs, self-service terminals, personal computers, mobile devices. The universal electronic card also should be accepted in the subway, buses, trolleybuses and trams.


First of all the universal electronic card had to eliminate need of an appearance of the citizen in state bodies behind any references, information, etc.

Within the Information Society program all federal bases were brought to such type when as the necessary identifier they can accept so-called number Insurance Number of Individual Ledger Account (the insurance number of the individual ledger account of pension insurance) which unambiguously identifies the citizen before state body. Already now on the portal of state services it is possible to receive in electronic form several hundred services. These services will be available also using the universal electronic card, and their quantity every day will grow.

"It is wildness, but it so far so - two state systems - UEC and the Uniform portal of state services (EPGU) among themselves "are not on friendly terms", - CNews the president of "UEC" Alexey Popov said on March 14, 2013 in the presentation at the conference. - On EPGU it is impossible to open a personal account by means of UEC and to read the electronic signature written on UEC".
"On this subject there is a number of orders of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications and government, - Popov added. – I think that after all Rostelecom (the EPGU developer, - a comment of CNews) within the coming month will make necessary completions". Rostelecom did not answer a question of CNews of perspectives of integration of UEC and EPGU, having told that "additional instructions on the matter from the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications did not come to Rostelecom".

Nevertheless, on regional portals, according to Alexey Popov, using UEC about 3 thousand services are rendered.

"I witnessed as, for example, in the Volgograd region it was possible to issue an application for receiving a benefit to the birth of the third child, without coming anywhere, by means of the EDS which is on UEC", - he told.

For March, 2013 means of the strengthened qualified electronic signature are placed on UEC in collection points for statements and issues of cards, according to statements of users of UEC. Existence on UEC of the electronic signature gives to users the accessibility to electronic services of providing state services and also provides a possibility of implementation of legally significant actions.

UEC for convenient payments

As the head of federal authorized organization "Universal Electronic Card" Nikolai Ulyanov reported in December, 2011, it is possible to pay services with four methods:

  • having come to bank and having received the receipt,
  • via the terminal or the ATM,
  • on the Internet through "personal account",
  • but is and "the fourth option which, we hope, will be in demand, is a reader".

"It not free pleasure, it will cost around $50 apiece, it is the device which allows you at any time, in any place and, I emphasize, a safe image, unlike other methods of payment, to pay for any service. You can pay for housing and public utilities, lying on the beach in Miami. There is a keyboard and when you pay, you see what you pay for", - Ulyanov told.

At the same time, he added, rates of the state fees at payment of UEC will be slightly lower than if to pay in paper form. At the same time use of the card will not be "obligation", and those who will not want to receive it will be able to pay for services as before[7]

Points of acceptance of UEC

For January, 2013 as means of payment the card is accepted by about 100,000 trade and service enterprises in the country. As partners of the program fifteen large federal and regional banks[8] act[8].

"We understand that it is not enough, – Alexey Popov noted. – However we calculate that since that moment as 100-200 thousand cards will be issued, the situation will change, and ekvayer will begin to enter the project seriously. The government decree defines 250 credit and financial organizations which can join the program. And we calculate that by the end of the year a half of them will become our partners".

In addition to state departments of "UEC" conducts work with other service providers, Alexey Popov reported in March, 2013:

"It is different non-state pension funds - to have an opportunity to fill in application forms and to sign agreements of pension insurance on an additional part of pension. Different travel agencies - without visiting their offices to sign agreements of tourist service".

Discounts when shopping

By May, 2013 some regions implemented on UEC the discount application allowing to receive discounts and bonuses upon purchase of goods and services in the field of service and local outlets. At the same time unlike discounts on social cards which are provided in some outlets only to exempts discounts according to UEC are expected all holders of cards.

At the end of April, 2013, in particular, the beginning of providing discounts according to UEC in the region was announced by representatives of the ministry of informatization of the Udmurt Republic. According to representatives of department, since May 1, 2013 discounts can be received in Aykay networks (3%), Epicure (5%) and "Tasty house" (3%).

In the long term the ministry is going to connect to the application not only regional, but also federal networks.

In Bashkortostan the Matritsa supermarket chain - in total 37 shops - began to charge bonuses on UEC when shopping. Disabled people and participants of war, in particular, receive a bonus in the amount of 5% of a paid amount, disabled people – 4%, large families – 3%, and all other holders of UEC – 2% of purchase cost. The added bonuses allow then to pay in parts or in full purchases in network.

According to the CEO of "The Bashkir register of social cards" Oleg Romanov, after implementation of the "Single Respublikasky Discount and Bonus System" project the discount UEK application will work in all trade and service companies which entered it.

Work on implementation of the discount application for the purpose of providing discounts according to UEC is also conducted, for example, in the Penza and Sakhalin regions. The last, in particular, according to IT department of the region, in addition to discount in shops also considers the possibility of providing discounts to holders of cards at visit of the state cultural objects, discount fares when armoring according to UEC of hours of use of sporting venues, etc.

The card of the fisher on UEC

It was reported that in the universal electronic card (UEC) the card of the fisher will be also implemented. The relevant agreement between Rosrybolovstvo and JSC Universalnaya elektronnaya karta (federal authorized organization for implementation of UEC) was signed on December 8, 2011 in Moscow.

The bill of amateur fishery provides that the citizen will be able to fish freely and free of charge on that reservoir which the municipal entity where he lives adjoins, and acquisition of the license is necessary at departure on fishing to other region, for example from Moscow to Astrakhan.

According to Petkevich, in the long term amateur fishers will be able to pay the licenses (for December, 2011 presumably at the rate of 1 ruble a day) on site through the fish inspector's reader: the possibility of such micropayments is put in UEC, – however payment of penalties can demand activation of the banking application and presence of more difficult equipment at inspectors that is not really profitable, and will hardly be implemented.

As the head of Rosrybolovstvo Andrey Krayny explained, it is supposed that the citizens wishing to fish will be able to activate this offer on UEC via any bank terminal, the terminal on payment acceptance or using the personal computer.

"When we at discussion of the bill of amateur fishery heard that it is necessary to enter the card of the fisher … there was an idea to implement the card of the fisher in UEC", – Krayny told.

He added that, this bill is not adopted yet, the speech about payment does not go, but this service is necessary for calculation of number of amateur fishers in the country.

In turn the vice president of UEC Andrey Petkevich reported that the company is technically ready to maintain functionality of the card of the fisherman, and it is supposed that in 2012 on a limited number of universal cards acquisition of the license for fishing will be possible, and some fish inspectors will be supplied with reader devices.

Obtaining UEC

According to the law "About the organization of providing the public and municipal services (210-FZ) from January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2013 UEC is issued only according to petitions from citizens. After this period cards were going to be issued for all Russian citizens who reached age of 14 years.

Who issued UEC

The beginning of issue of the first UECs it was announced in August, 2012. It started in 5 pilot regions of the country:

  • in Krasnodar Krai,
  • Astrakhan region,
  • Volgograd region,
  • and also Republics of Tatarstan and
  • Bashkortostan.

Afterwards some other regions also joined them. According to federal authorized organization for issue of UEC, until the end of 2012 in them about 5 thousand universal[9] were issued[9].

Since January 1, 2013 more than 300 collection points for statements and issue of UEC including organized based on Sberbank branches of Russia began to work in all territorial subjects of the Russian Federation.

On February 19, 2013 the president of "UEC" Alexey Popov told that about 500 points on reception of applications in one and all regions of the country at the moment work. According to it, by the specified moment about 35 thousand applications were submitted, and all it is already issued to 17 thousand cards.

The complete list of points of issue UEC in all regions of Russia

By the end of 2013 as assume in Sberbank and JSC UEK, it can be released from three to four million universal electronic cards. At the same time the main share of issue is necessary on Sberbank.

"We are going to issue three million cards, – A. Popov told. – But are ready to invest also release of all necessary quantity".

Earlier it was planned that functions of issue will be assigned to employers, educational institutions, bodies of a social security and, perhaps, to banks. It is supposed to provide with cards of all citizens of Russia by 2017. Card expiration date will be five years.

Payment for use of the card

Potentially use of UEC can also become paid though the probability of it is small, the president of "UEC" Alexey Popov said in March, 2013:

"Neither regions, nor federal authorized organization will levy a card service fee, but bank whose account is used for operation of the card, have the right to take money for service of the banking application".

According to him, the competition between banks will lead to the fact that introduction of a payment to them will not be profitable.

In Moscow use of UEC for citizens will not be absolutely free – at the expense of the banking application on which the condition does not expatiate on non-paid issue of cards (such rule is recorded in law No. 210-FZ on providing state services). For those who do not belong to the preferential category (pensioners, students, disabled people, etc.) the Moscow authorities set the recommended rates. Muscovites should pay at most 80 rubles for annual service of the account, 50 rubles – for providing the statement, 60 rubles – for replacement in case of loss and also the commission in the amount of 0.3% for money transfer from the account into other account.

The cost of production of one universal electronic card (UEC) is 287 rub while the reader's price for it – about $50 were reported in December, 2011 by representatives of "UEC".

Free replacement of UEC for installation of new applications

In August, 2013 the government approved UEC replacement procedure at connection on it new federal digital applications provided for cases if the card holder has no possibility of remote connection, record and updating of the application.

For replacement of UEC the card holder should submit the application for issue of the universal electronic card in connection with connection of new federal digital applications according to a standard application form about its issue. The card should be reissued within 30 days from the date of filing of application.

At the same time production of new UEC is performed without verification of presence at the user of the operating universal electronic card, said in the approved rules. The last will be automatically cancelled.

At the time of start of issue of UEC according to petitions from citizens in 2013, we will remind, from federal applications on the card well identification application, the electronic signature, the banking application, the insurance evidence of mandatory pension insurance and the policy of compulsory health insurance.

The expiration of its action, change of the personal information about the citizen which is visually plotted technical fault of UEC in the absence of mechanical damages and also voluntary declaration of will of the citizen – the user of UEC in case of the choice of other bank providing provision of services within the digital banking application can be other bases for free replacement of UEC.

Whether UEC was obligatory

The law the right of citizens is provided to refuse release of the universal card on the name. For this purpose it is necessary to write the corresponding application beforehand. At the same time the failure form from card issue since January 1, 2013 is not regulated by the law.

On February 11, 2013 the Minister of Communications Nikolai Nikiforov said that it is going to make changes to 210-FZ which will cancel obligation of card issue on all citizens since January 1, 2014. He explained similar plans with the fact that the UEK project is too costly for regions, and compensation of costs for them at the same time is not provided.

On February 19, 2013 Nikiforov at a press conference specified that the obligation of issue of UEC evolutionarily should pass to obligation of issue of the electronic passport. Refining on terms of issue of UEC and electronic passport, according to the minister, will be possible only after approval of the bill of electronic passports which in March, 2013 should be submitted for approval in the government.

Deputies of United Russia require to cancel obligation of UEC

In April, 2013 several deputies of United Russia among whom – the Chairman of the State Duma Committee on the constitutional legislation and the state construction Vladimir Pligin and the Chairman of the State Duma Committee on federal structure and questions of local government Victor Kidyaev suggested the State Duma to consider the federal law draft, providing issue of UEC only according to petitions from citizens.

One of initiators of the bill - the Chairman of the Committee of the State Duma on the constitutional legislation and the state construction Vladimir Pligin

In the explanatory note to the bill it is noted that since January 1, 2014 issue of UEC to all citizens who did not address earlier with requests about receiving or about failure from the card however at the same time will be performed the procedure of failure from obtaining UEC is not regulated.

In the same place it is noted that there is a considerable number of citizens who will refuse obtaining UEC in the time established by the law or will receive the card, but will not use it or will not be able, including – on an absence reason of rather developed infrastructure allowing to seize the opportunities given by the card.

"For the purpose of protection of the rights and the interests of the mentioned citizens the federal law draft offers to provide issue of UEC to citizens only on the basis of their statements, said in the explanatory note of deputies to the bill".

Having studied the bill, the State Duma Council made the decision to appoint responsible for it the State Duma Committee on Constitutional Legislation and State Development and to enter the document to the approximate program of lawmaking work of the State Duma during the spring session of 2013 planned for May.

The bill will also be sent to the president, to the government, to the Federation Council, the Duma fractions and some other bodies which till May 13, 2013 should provide responses, offers and notes according to the document, said in the decision of the State Duma Council.

The issue of obligation UEC will be resolved in the fall of 2013.

June 17, 2013.The State Duma Council made the decision to submit for consideration during an autumn session the bill assuming canceling of automatic release of UEC in 2014 on all citizens of Russia who did not write beforehand the declaration of abandonment of obtaining the map.

As the initiator of the bill in February, 2013 the Moscow region duma which suggested to make, in particular, change to Article 210-FZ which would cancel restriction of term of issue of UEC only on petitions from citizens only with the period from January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2013 acted.

During an autumn session of 2013 also the similar bill drafted in April by several deputies of United Russia, said in the published minutes of the State Duma Council will be in parallel considered. It should be noted that the State Duma Committee on the constitutional legislation and the state construction appointed responsible for this bill suggested to consider it earlier - during a summer session of 2013.

The Moscow region duma motivated the offer to organize issue of UEC only according to petitions from citizens with protection of the rights and the interests of the citizens who are not wishing on any bases to receive UEC.

In the explanatory note to the bill it was noted that there is a considerable number of citizens who or will refuse obtaining UEC, or it will not be used. In the same place data with reference to JSC UEK are provided that as of January 31, 2013 the number of applications from citizens about issue of UEC made a little more than 20 thousand. "It speaks about lack of sufficient need for UEC at citizens", - authors of the bill believe.

The financial question of the organization of card issue for regions also was mentioned in the explanatory note to the document. Compensations from the state for them, we will remind, on these purposes it is not provided. So, by estimates of Moscow region deputies, on the project only in 2014 of the Moscow region more than 3 billion rubles can be required.

In addition to accounting of interest of citizens introduction of the proposed amendments would help to simplify issue of cards and to reduce amounts of money for all participants to UEC implementation project, deputies of the Moscow region duma considered.

Obligatory issue of UEC is postponed to 2015

At the first meeting of the reformed pravkomissiya on IT which took place in September, 2013 the decision on need to make amendments to the federal law draft about the organization of providing the public and municipal services was made, having provided in them establishment of starting date of obligatory issue of UEC not earlier than January 1, 2015.

The commission assigned a task of preparation of these amendments to the Ministry of Economic Development together with FMS,the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications and JSC UEK which at its accomplishment will have to consider need of synchronization with terms of the beginning of issue of the electronic certificate and also obligatory placement on UEC for citizens of the qualified electronic signature on a grant basis.

The bill with postponement of obligatory issue of UEC should be considered by the State Duma and is adopted till December 1, 2013, said in the solution of a pravkomissiya on IT.

Together with it, the Ministries of Economic Development together with some other departments till December 16, 2013 should prepare offers on making changes in the separate legal acts providing receiving and use of UEC as the insurance evidence of mandatory pension insurance without issue of the last and also obtaining the electronic policy of compulsory health insurance in the form of the digital application of UEC. At the same time the last should become possible also through filing of application, including, and through insurance companies.

It should be noted that in addition to issue of UEC on all citizens in 2015 is also going to begin work on pilot use of electronic passports in several regions. It is going to put into commercial operation the system of issue of electronic identity certificates across all territory of Russia in 2016.

By preparation for introduction of the electronic identity certificate of the citizen of Russia it is going to consider questions of use for this purpose of practices of UEC and its infrastructure, said in the decisions made at a pravkomissiya meeting on IT.

The obligation of UEC can be cancelled

The bill of making changes in 210-FZ "About rendering the public and municipal services", the changing order of issue of the Universal Electronic Cards (UEC) is introduced to the State Duma. Authors of the document - a number of deputies from CPRF faction, including the Chairman of the Committee on natural resources, environmental management and ecology Vladimir Kashin[10].

The bill suggests to refuse obligatory issue of UEC. Initially the law established that issue of UEC will begin on January 1, 2013 and will be carried out according to petitions from citizens. Since January 1, 2014 issue of UEC to all who did not write the application for failure from them in advance had to begin. Afterwards start date of universal issue of cards was postponed to January 1, 2015.

The bill of CPRF faction suggests to continue issue of UEC only according to petitions from citizens. Authors of the document specify that citizens had few opportunities for failure from obtaining maps. According to the law, the citizen should direct the application for failure from obtaining the map during a certain term after the publication by the authorities of the territorial subject of the federation in which he lives of the notification on universal card issue. The size of this term is established by the authorities of the subject and should be not less than 60 days.

In the explanatory note to the bill it is told that many citizens will not be able to submit such applications in time. Besides, some categories of citizens will not be able to make it owing to the age reasons. Therefore, for them UEC which they just will not use then will be issued. Authors of the document note what by this moment was issued to 370 thousand universal electronic cards, and the number of applications for their receiving makes 540 thousand So interest in UEC was shown only by 0.6% of the population of the country.

Personal data protection

As the map is protected

The universal electronic card will have special mechanisms of data protection, and will not contain personal data. All data on the citizen will be stored in the same place where and now - in databases of the state ministries and departments. For accomplishment of significant transactions it will be necessary to enter the PIN code, and the list of transactions can be in addition limited by the citizen, through his personal account on the portal of the universal electronic card.

The federal authorized organization at card issue does not store any information on citizens: "We have a database in which it is simple to eat the card number that we could service it technically. At the same time we do not even know a surname, a name, a middle name of the owner of this card. Besides, experts to whom the company showed technical solution on the analysis, concluded that it is impossible to make the duplicate of the card. The malefactor can use the card only in one case - if he physically receives its original and will know all your PIN codes which are necessary for receiving service. This card has the specific device, it technically differs from bank cards. Nobody can make the duplicate, even ourselves", - Andrey Petkevich said, the vice president of JSC Universalnaya elektronnaya karta[11] on December 8, 2011[11]

Swindlers adopted UEC

In June, 2013, for the first time from start of mass issue of UEC, there was an official statement of the regional authorities about fraud cases in which the universal electronic card appears. In particular, the Administration of the Kemerovo region warned citizens about emergence in the region of the swindlers suggesting to write the application for obtaining UEC at home, and collecting thus personal data.

According to administration, cases when swindlers, being represented by workers "The register of universal electronic maps of the Kemerovo region" (local authorized organization for release, issue and service of UEC) or the staff of services of a social security, go for this purpose on apartments are recorded.

From the citizen it is required to specify the surname, a name, a middle name, date of birth, the address, phone, a property and social status, education in the statement and to append the personal signature. At the same time swindlers assure pensioners that according to the card it will be possible to receive social privileges or money payments.

The regional administration notes that materials in the recorded cases are reported to law enforcement agencies, and on them check is conducted.

According to official rules, execution of the application for obtaining UEC is not provided at home: for this purpose it is necessary to be personally in one of collection points for statements in the home region. An application is issued on the basis of the passport and policies of compulsory health and pension insurance.

Implementation of UEC

Concept of implementation of UEC

Determinations, the description of the complete UEK system, the rule for participants, technology architecture, mechanisms of management, criteria of effectiveness, plans till 2014

Role of the Ministry of Economics

The Government of the Russian Federation the resolution of March 11, 2011 N163 made a number of changes to regulations on the Ministry of Economic Development (MED) of the Russian Federation according to which the MEDT is equipped with a number of functions on implementation of the universal electronic cards (UEC). In more detail about a role of the ministry in a project startup here.

Shareholders of JSC Universalnaya elektronnaya karta

  • Till May, 2011 shareholders of UEC were Sberbank, Uralsib and "Ak Bars". The share of Sberbank in "The universal electronic card" made 34%, Uralsib and "Ak Bars" separated the remained stocks of joint stock company equally - on 33% to everyone.

  • In May, 2011 the companies "Sitronics" and "Troika Dialog" became a shareholder of JSC Universalnaya elektronnaya karta (UEK). They redeemed additional share issue which at a vneocherdny meeting shareholders of UEC decided to carry out: "Sberbank", banks "Uralsib" and "Ak Bars". Authorized capital of UEC increased from 100 million rubles to 900 million rubles. As acquirers of an additional issue the Sberbank of Russia, banks "Uralsib", "Ak Bars" and also the company "Sitronics" and investment company "Troika Dialog" acted.

Volume of issue of stocks was 800 million rubles. It is expected that after completion of additional issue of JSC Sitronics will become the owner of 7% of stocks of JSC UEK. Transaction amount is 63 million rubles. As the shareholder of JSC UEK of JSC Sitronics will have an opportunity to participate in formation of technical requirements to universal electronic cards which since January 1, 2014 will be issued to each citizen of Russia.

  • On December 30, 2011 it became known that the Federal Financial Markets Service of Russia (FFMS) registered the report on results of additional issue of the ordinary nominal uncertificated shares of JSC Universalnaya elektronnaya karta» (UEK) placed by the closed subscription. The relevant decision is made on December 28, 2011.

According to the submitted report on results of additional issue of securities (the state registration number of additional release – 1-01-14191-A-001D of August 16, 2011), the issuer places 800 thousand shares with a nominal value of 1 thousand rubles. Thus, the total amount of additional par issue was 800 million rubles.

  • On January 13, 2012 it became known that the Sberbank of Russia according to the results of an additional issue of JSC Universalnaya elektronnaya karta» (UEK) increased a share in the company up to 44% from 34%, reported in the press service of UEC.

Banks "Ak Bars" and "Uralsib" lowered as a result of increase in the capital of UEC the shares to 12.5% from 33% everyone.

New shareholders of UEC became Troika Dialog which received 24% of shares and also Sitronics company which share made 7%.

In February, 2012 Sberbank will close the transaction on acquisition of Troika Dialog. As the head of bank German Gref spoke in November, 2011, the investment company purchased a share in UEC for the subsequent sale of the project to new partners.

The Federal Financial Markets Service at the end of December, 2011 registered the report on UEC additional issue results for 800 million rubles. Thus, UEC increased authorized capital by nine times – to 900 million.

  • In January, 2014 FAS approved the petition of Sberbank for acquisition of 25.6% of the stocks "UEK". After completion of the transaction the share of Sberbank in authorized organization in total with the actions which are already available for it will make 70.65%.

According to representatives of "UEC", in addition to Sberbank the relevant list of shareholders for the beginning of 2014 its "daughter" "Sberbank of KIB" (corporate and investment business of bank),Uralsib,AK BARS bank and RTI Microelectronics also includes. The first of them has a share in the company of 24.57%. Shares of other shareholders in "UEC" do not open.

The authorized organization for an occasion of increase in a share of bank in the project told TAdviser that "in the conditions of successful development of the UEK project, including, connected with combination of the infrastructure of the universal electronic card with the developed electronic passport created now, Sberbank is interested in more active participation in development of the project".

"Now according to the solution of UEK general shareholder meeting there is planned additional issue. The decision on an additional share issue is registered by the Bank of Russia, now there takes place share placing among all shareholders of society", - explain in the company.

Authorized capital of "UEC" in 2013 was 1 billion 318 million rubles. In November, 2013 the Board of Directors of the company made the decision on increase in authorized capital by placement of additional ordinary nominal uncertificated shares by means of the closed subscription. In particular, it was decided to produce 1.3 million actions with a nominal value of 1 thousand rubles everyone.

Who managed UEC implementation project

On the basis of Federal law No. 210-FZ since January 1, 2012 issue to citizens of Russia of universal electronic cards for ensuring their access to the public and municipal services and also possibilities of payment of these services will begin. The contractor by development and deployment of a project management system of the organization of providing state services using the universal electronic card of the citizen determines Proyektnaya Praktika Group.

At the end of 2010 JSC UEK announced the tender for determination of the contractor for development, implementation and maintenance of a project management system "The organization of providing the public and municipal services using the universal electronic card". The victory in the tender was won by Proyektnaya Praktika Ltd company.

During 2011, specialists of Proyektnaya Praktika Group:

  • will develop normative and methodical base and schedules of the project;
  • will create project office;
  • will develop an information system for project management;
  • will provide training of staff of JSC UEK in the field of project management;
  • will perform monitoring of project implementation and technical support of an information system.

What is "UEC" afraid of? List of threats

The federal authorized organization "UEK" within the annual report for 2012 made the list of the risk factors connected with the activity. Their company subdivided into technology, market, political and also selected a liquidity risk.

Regarding technological hazards of "UEC" selects dependence of the technologies used in the universal electronic card from a position of "foreign competitor" – MasterCard. With the last at the company the license agreement on use of the M/Chip payment application for PRO100 payment system is signed.

"It is quite possible that MasterCard will use the monopoly position that can lead as to significant growth of costs for prolongation of the license agreement, and to receiving by them a share in JSC UEK, - the company explains.

Refers possible suspension of activity of a payment system owing to the virus attack or damage to other technological hazards of "UEC", plunder of personal data owing to, for example, unauthorized copying by the staff of payment system and also insufficient rates of technology connection to the project of participating banks because of what is afraid of emergence of a negative background around the project.

Among risk factors of market nature of "UEC" selects the advancing exit and development of new products and services with the functionality which is crossed or exceeding UEC at competitors – for example, at Rostelecom and other banks. For example, in April, 2013 Rostelecom and VTB 24 bank started the joint project on the plastic card issue,the state services having access function to the portal.

Refers that fact that "the current issuing volumes of UEC performed by the subjects of the Russian Federation do not correspond stated initially" and the high saturation of the market of payment systems to the same category "UEK": according to the register of operators of payment systems, as of the end of 2012 19 such organizations were registered.

Referred uncertainty with obligation of an execution of UEC since January 1, 2014 (the bill of canceling of obligation of the card in the fall of 2013 will be considered by the State Duma) to political risks of activity of UEK company and also regarding succession with the draft of the electronic passport of the citizen of Russia.

Besides, the initiative of creation of the uniform operational and clearing centers based on IT infrastructureof the Central Bank within the strategy of development for a national payment system can influence the project, believe in the companies.

And, at last, liquidity risk. In "UEC" note that the project is capital-intensive and, despite presence of the shareholders investing in its development can need additional financing.

UEC infrastructure

Single payment and service system "Universal Electronic Card" (EPSS UEK)

A single payment and service system 'Universal electronic card" (EPSS UEK) - is a component of the Russian system of the universal electronic cards (UEC).

EPSS UEK represents group of the participants providing using legal, organizational and technology actions implementation of Federal law No. 210-FZ "About the organization of providing the public and municipal services" in the part connected with the universal electronic card.

The universal electronic card works based on domestic payment system PRO100. It underwent licensing in MasterCard that should facilitate to merchant acquirers integration works.

Technical requirements to UEC

The Government of the Russian Federation approved in March, 2011 technical requirements to the universal electronic card. The card will contain the information about its owner provided as in visual, and electronically. The list of requirements also includes equipment of the card the integrated circuit of domestic production with a cryptographic core. The amount of memory of the scheme should be not less than 72 Kb, and it should contain the areas protected from unauthorized access. The constant and non-volatile re-recorded integrated circuit memory of the universal electronic card should provide storage of the written information not less than 5 years.

Chips for UEC

  • Requirements to the chip are set by government decree No. 208, and any chip which meets requirements can be used in UEC.

  • In January, 2012 the chief designer of "NIIME and Mikron" Gennady Krasnikov reported that JSC Universalnaya elektronnaya karta (JSC UEK) is transferred to 10 thousand chips for universal electronic cards. JSC UEK completed certification of the first batch of chips and prepares them for sending to authorized organizations of the subjects of the Russian Federation.

By this moment the Mikron plant made already several hundred thousands of chips for UEC. In universal electronic cards the chip executed on technology of 180 nanometers is used.

  • In May, 2012 it became known that Sitronics and Atlas Kard certified the first chips for use in the universal electronic card. Angstrem waits for refining of requirements for amount of memory, and after that expects to create the chip with the improved characteristics.

The Sitronics concern reported that the federal authorized organization for the draft of the universal electronic map (UEC) with the name of the same name issued to Micron, head enterprise of Sitronics on microelectronics, the positive conclusion about use in the draft of the card platform of its development.

As specify in the company, the platform includes the chip made on technologies of 180 nanometers, and the operating system on which it is preset identification and payment applications. OS of the chip allows to use UEC as the identifier of the personality, the transport card, the card for receiving preferential services, commercial services and interaction with the system of Electronic government, speak in Sitronics.

The company also specifies that the certified chip is created based on a series of chips for the protected smart cards and passport and visa documents. Certification lasted several months, representatives of Sitronics say.

The Universal Electronic Card company told CNews that after Sitronics by this moment the chip for use in UEC was certified also by Atlas Kard company. The source, Atlas Kard, familiar with activity, tells that in a case with this company the chip of "one of large European producers" was certified.

Sitronics says that already reached with Atlas Kard the agreement on deliveries of several tens of thousands by it the chip modules for UEC. Atlas Kard will have to execute primary initialization (filling of software) and to transfer Gosznaku chips which makes release of the card and final personalisation according to requirements of citizens and needs of regions.

Development of the chip for use in UEC was also conducted by Angstrem company, however "in connection with inconsistency of the technical requirements imposed to a chip, still a year ago suspended the participation in the project with the current products". According to the representative of the company Alexey Dianov, now Angstrem develops the new chip with higher characteristics, than are required for the project now. Upon completion of works on it the product is also going to be certified.

Dianov noted that recently during implementation of a pilot project on implementation of UEC in Moscow, it turned out that "the Russian microchips do not meet requirements for amount of memory". In the competition announced by IT department of Moscow from the chip memory with a capacity not less than 144 KB was required. Chips of Micron have smaller volume, however exactly one of models of chips offered Atlas Kard meets the requirements (K5018VG3-S). According to the complaint of Sitronics FULL FACE at that time tender was cancelled.

In government decree No. 208 to which UEC refers the memory requirement is set at the level of "not less than 72 KB". However in a year the number of applications which are going to be entered to the chip can double therefore chips which are planned to use can cease to meet the new requirements for volume of the stored information, consider in Angstrem.

"We expect to complete development by that moment when the structure of data and applications which are planned to placement on the chip is defined. Then our new microcontroller with the increased amount of memory and the improved cryptographic functions will be the best offer in the domestic market. Let's carry out then and certification", - Dianov says.

Angstrem intends to release the chip at own technology plant from 130 nanometers and below. However, the plant is not constructed yet: according to the current diagram, the construction should be completed at a boundary of 2013-2014, speak in the company.

Sitronics considers that 72 KB more than are enough, considering that it is only about EEPROM of memory. "There is a so-called register of applications for UEC and the requirement to them which consider including amount of memory for Java applications. In it wishes of all regions are collected, and according to them the volume of EEPROM of memory of the chip – 72 Kb, and with a stock is determined, i.e. from these 72 Kb there is still an empty seat under unaccounted Java applications which can potentially appear", - the representative of Sitronics Nikolay Tikhonov[12] says[12].

  • In November, 2012 it became known that the "NIIME and Mikron" which is head enterprise of the business direction Sitronics Microelectronics together with FUO "UEK" developed the version of the UEK chip in which all basic functions are integrated into the operating system.

The federal authorized organization "Universal Electronic Card" (FUO "UEK") completed testing of the PRO100 payment application and Identification application of version 1.1, as a part of the hardware-software MIK51SC72D platform "NIIME and Mikron". Applications conform to requirements, the shown Rules of the Single payment and service system "Universal Electronic Card".

Mikron according to technical specifications FUO "UEK" developed the new version of the chip for the universal electronic card which will allow regional customers (departments of information technologies of regions) to add such functions as identification, social and transport applications, providing privileges, etc. through their initialization, exempting regional developers from need of writing of program codes of applets[13].

The head Sitronics Microelectronics Gennady Krasnikov noted: "Along with social value, implementation of the universal electronic card plays an important role for development of the Russian hi-tech enterprises, such as producers of microelectronics, system integrators, telecommunication companies".

The chip for UEC integrates functions of several smart cards and is one of the most difficult products among the analogs presented at the world market of microelectronics.

  • In November, 2012 it became known that the Government of the Russian Federation permitted till 2014 for equipment of universal electronic cards to use import integrated circuits. Earlier use of chips of exclusively domestic production coordinated with national security issues.

"Establish that till January 1, 2014 provisions of point 10 and Subparagraph "d" of point 17 of the technical requirements to the universal electronic card approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 24, 2011 No. 208 "About technical requirements to the universal electronic card and federal digital applications" are not obligatory for application", said in the resolution of the Cabinet placed on the information and legal Guarantor portal.

Earlier it was planned that since July 1, 2012 UECs should be equipped only with integrated circuits of domestic production with a cryptographic core.

"Resolution No. 208 was lobbied in due time by the assumed only chipmaker for the UEK project – Sitronics which is the shareholder of the project under the auspices of "need of support of domestic manufacturer", - the head of department on corporate communications of Angstrem group Alexey Dianov said ComNews. The main technical requirements for UEC within this resolution prepared for chips specialists of JSC NIIME i Mikron – under loading of own line which reaching design capacity was planned in 2011, Alexey Dianov added. "At the same time technical requirements which sense, probably, was after all in non-admission to participation in the project of competitors of Micron turned out so contradictory that at some point ourselves began to doubt in a basic possibility of their accomplishment in full and suspended our developments on this subject", - he noted[8].

The new solution opens the road for the Russian software developers using the foreign chip, for example Atlas Kard companies which can after suspension of action of this point in the resolution become the serial supplier of the chip with the certified software in 2013, competing with Micron, the representative of Angstrem noted. "Permission to use the import chip - namely this solution actually is reflected in the issued resolution - the government shows that his desire after all to start the project in 2013 moved desire of Micron to become the monopolist in delivery of a domestic chip", - Alexey Dianov summed up.

"Production of the Russian chips is arranged, compliance of the chip and its built-in operating system to requirements of identification and payment applications is tested and confirmed to JSC FUO UEK, - the marketing director Sitronics Microelectronics Karina Abagyan told ComNews.
"Advantages of use of domestic chips in the cards storing personal data of citizens of the Russian Federation consist, first, that chips which are manufactured in Russia completely conform to the Russian security requirements, and the customer knows from whom to ask concerning any malfunctions, - Karina Abagyan insists. – The second advantage is that we as the domestic company can open to inspection bodies all documentation, including design (schematics and topology of the microchip). I do not know whether the foreign producer will go to it".

Plastic for UEC

In March, 2012 it became known that in Russian regions there pass tenders for the choice of producers of the universal electronic card. UEC is supposed to be made of expensive and difficult type of plastic in processing – polycarbonate (PC). And traditionally in the card industry polyvinylchloride (PVC) which is 3-4 times cheaper is applied.

According to Ilya Merkulov, the development director of Rosan company, the normal card from PVC costs about 10 Euro cents, and a similar pig from polycarbonate – 30–40. Use of PC is provided by the technical requirements to UEC approved by the federal government.

"The universal card should serve to the owner not less than 5 years taking into account active operation, with preserving of the consumer properties and without losing appearance", – representatives of Novakard company comment.

And normal cards, according to Victor Barilkin, the Deputy CEO of the competing structure – Federal State Unitary Enterprise Goznak, become useless a maximum for 3 years.

But, as the Head of Department of non-financial risks believes the Absolute of Bank Andrey Bazhin, there is no sense to place emphasis on durability of the card which can easily be lost – and then all the same it is necessary to do new. Not to mention the speed of development and change of production technologies of chips and other UEK components that also involves its rerelease.

"Besides practice shows that the card fails, as a rule, not because the plastic pig deteriorated and because the magnetic band was erased or became useless the chip, – Bazhin notes. – The durability of the card also depends on specifications of its production. The card from normal PVC can quietly serve within 5 years".
"The card from polycarbonate with the double interface is the new and not widely adopted yet product. World experience of industrial production of such cards is fully implemented only in France, and in Russia is absent", – say in Novakarda.

It is obvious that time expensive material is put in cost value of UEC (in Moscow one card will cost 310 rubles), as a result he in this or that type lays down on shoulders of the end consumer. For citizens a number of "stuffings" UEC will not be free. Besides it is first of all about the banking application on which the condition does not expatiate on non-paid issue of cards.

UEC in regions of Russia

Основная статья: UEC in regions of Russia
  • In 2011 all regions of the Russian Federation completed the formation of the authorized organizations of subjects (AOS) of the Russian Federation for implementation of UEC.

The agreement on accession to Rules EPSS UEK is signed with 65 authorized organizations of the subjects of the Russian Federation.

  • In May, 2012 it was announced that the first standard software solutions successfully passed the examination of federal authorized organization "Universal Electronic Card" for a role of the issuer of universal electronic cards.

Standard software solutions are developed, first of all, for expense reduction of authorized organizations of the subjects of the Russian Federation and reduction of terms of release and the beginning of service of universal electronic cards.

In more detail about the status of implementation UEC in regions of Russia here.

Alternative projects

UEC and electronic passport

On September 5, 2012 the Minister of Telecom and Mass Communications Nikolai Nikiforov told journalists that the project on implementation of the Universal electronic card will hardly be able to become the uniform identification document, and should be significantly changed according to new initiatives of the Ministry of Communications and Federal Migration Service.

Nikiforov's department develops the project on implementation of the passport of electronic identification of the citizen which can already replace the paper all-civil passport by 2018.

According to Nikiforov, infrastructure of UEC does not allow to complete implementation quickly. "The project will not be able to provide each citizen with the card in the next 2-3 years. On it the company has no means", - the minister told. Nikiforov also emphasized that the distributed infrastructure of FMS will allow to provide each citizen with the certificate of new generation.

According to him, the FMS should issue the ID card, and UEC will be responsible for the electronic signature, the banking application. Also UEC can be used for receiving social, state services and other services and also for payment of utility bills and travel by transport.

About what should be made changes to an implementation project of UEC and about their terms Nikiforov did not specify, having told that everything will be discussed within the corresponding working groups.

UEC and social cards

December 20, 2013.The State Duma considered in the third reading and adopted the bill of introduction of amendments to the Federal Law of the organization of providing the state services affecting UEC. In particular, the document recognizes Article 29 of this Federal Law which became invalid Part 6 from which it follows that since January, 2014 in Russia are subject to repayment of the card in regions on which digital applications in whole or in part match digital applications on UEC.

Earlier the management of "UEC" stated expectations that the termination of release of regional social cards will stimulate issue of the universal electronic card which volumes for the end of 2013 were much lower than expected: citizens submitted about 190 thousand applications for obtaining the map at the forecasts of issue which are earlier stated to "UEC" approximately to 3 million cards.

Among advantages of UEC over regional social cards the possibility of its use in any point in all territory of Russia, and not just in the certain region and also the bigger list of services, available using it, was called.

The beginning of action of Part 6 of Article 29 of the Federal Law about the organization of providing state services would mean an output from turnover of millions of social cards in regions. So, in Moscow during project implementation of the social card since the beginning of the 2000th more than 8.3 million maps for residents and 2.1 million cards for residents of the Moscow region were released. According to the project website, more than 4.5 million Muscovites have the social card.

In addition to transport and identification services on the social card of the Muscovite, as well as on UEC, function of the payment application which is provided with the existing infrastructure of Bank of Moscow is implemented.

In a number of regions where local projects of social cards work, volumes of their issue it is much less, than in Moscow, but at the same time exceed the total amount of UECs issued in 2013 across all Russia. For example, in the Samara region, as of December, 2012, about 390 thousand social cards from which 120 thousand cards are integrated with a banking system, and in Bashkortostan - more than 210 thousand cards are in total issued.

The law adopted by the State Duma should become effective on December 31, 2013. It should be noted what in the initial version of the document was put by a task to cancel obligatory issue of UEC since January, 2014. The point on recognition of the become invalid Part 6 of Article 29 of the Federal Law about state services was added to the bill after consideration in the second reading.

Project of VTB 24 and Rostelecom

In June, 2011 the VTB 24 bank, Bank of Moscow, Alfa-Bank, Gazprombank, Bank Rossiya and Rostelecom company signed the agreement on strategic partnership. Cooperation with the operator of the website will allow VTB 24 to outstrip Sberbank with its Universal Electronic Card (UEC) and to release own product which will have the same functionality, as UEC, but at the same time will be voluntary for citizens. Banks and international payment systems should not worry too about restrictions which were in UEC: all credit institutions and also Visa and MasterCard are allowed to issue.

The agreement which was signed by Rostelecom and VTB 24 provides with access statement for clients of VTB 24 to the Uniform portal of public services. The bank provides issue of the international bank cards with the identification application. Besides, in 2011 partners will begin pilot release of own universal electronic cards. The last will become direct competitors of the UEK project which implement Sberbank, Uralsib and Ak Bars bank.

Earlier representatives of VTB 24 criticized UEC more than once. So, in April the head of VTB 24 Mikhail Zadornov said in an interview to Marker: "I consider the initial idea to combine the passport or other identification document, the banking application and state services of client categories, harmful, false and dangerous to a number on one card". According to him, the terms put in the law on start of UEC are unrealizable as the project is worked badly out technology and economically.

Now the management of VTB 24 together with Rostelecom will manage to prove in practice that it is possible to create the product similar to UEC, quicker and cheaper. According to bank representatives, the main advantage of universal cards of VTB 24 - Rostelecom — lack of obligation for citizens while all Russians should receive UEC.

The project of VTB 24 and Rostelecom provides access to the uniform portal of state services while UEC is based on individual connection to each state agency. If representatives of Sberbank spoke more than once about intention to tie UEC to the card of "national payment system", then in a case with the new plastic project with a binding to state services will be issued on the basis of international payment systems — Visa and MasterCard. There will be no restrictions and for banks: any credit institution will be able to join the project. "The open architecture of the chip does not limit access of other banks and producers of chips. UEC assumes use of own development — the Pro100 chip".

See Also

The IT overview in regions of Russia 2015


Overview of TAdviser of "IT in regions of Russia 2013"