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Bashtel - 99.92%


Revenue and Net Profit


+ Government of the Russian Federation

Start2kom LLC is one of developers software for management systems for settlement service maintenance in the field of telecommunication business. The company has rights to billing the system of own production which provides a full stroke of calculations for considerable number of subscribers BROADBAND ACCESS, IPTV and telephony Rostelecom"'".

Accession of a command of Start2kom LLC to IT cluster resources Rostelecom is an important step on the way of creation of own competence center on development of the solutions BSS. It will allow not only to support effectively the solutions Start which are available on a landscape, but also to actively use competences of developer specialists of the going works on harmonization of a BSS landscape of Rostelecom.
Kirill Menshov, Senior Vice president for information technologies of Rostelecom


2018: Bashinformsvyaz purchased "Start2kom"

The Bashinformsvyaz company entering into Rostelecom from Ufa purchased a share in 99.92% in the Moscow IT company "Start2kom". Transaction amount was 490 million rubles.

According to the USRLE exactly the same share in 99.92% in Start2kom LLC as of December 13, 2018 still is registered for Start consulting LLC which in unequal shares belongs to Igor (40.5%) and Irina Shibayevym (10%) and also Vladimir Barkanov (49.5%).[1] Remained share in "Start2kom" less than 1% belong to Vladimir Kafarov.

"Start2kom" Start is known in the markets of a telecom and utilities for the line of the automated systems of calculation (ASC) with clients.

As shows the analysis of base of arbitration cases, since May 11, 2018 in court of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region in production there is a statement of claim "Start2kom" about collecting from Rostelecom of 429.4 million rubles. The essence of claims of the IT company to the operator in a public access is not provided yet. The next court session within this trial is planned for January 17, 2019.

Rostelecom did not comment on the legal claim from outside "Start2kom", without having answered questions whether the announced transaction with it has any communication as the operator estimates trial perspectives and whether the claim will be withdrawn in connection with the transaction.

Judging by Kontur.fokus bases and the website of state procurements, the most part of government contracts "Start2kom" of the last time are the share of services to Rostelecom and Bashinformsvyaz and concerns setup and technical support of a settlement system Start.

The legal person was formed by "Start2kom" — in one day with the legal person of its former parent organization "Start consulting". The last, most likely, for December, 2018 exists only formally. By data Circuit.focus, in it works only one person, and at the end of 2017 she showed zero revenue at net loss in 676 thousand rubles. Government contracts were never registered for it.

At the same time directly in the relation information on 50 government contracts totally on 1.1 billion rubles is "Start2kom". At the end of 2017 revenue of the company made 165.7 million rubles at decline by 18% in comparison with 2016.

As for net profit "Start2kom", in 2017 it was 44 thousand rubles. In 2016 this indicator was at the level of 14 million rubles, in 2015 — 22 million rubles. In 2014 the company showed losses in 22.2 million rub[2].
