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Баннер в шапке 2

Central Geophysical Expedition (CGE)




+ Government of the Russian Federation

Information technologies in TsGE

2020: Implementation of service of processing of geologic-geophysical data in "The Irkutsk geophysical division"

On January 15, 2020 Rosgeo reported that specialists of JSC Centralnaya geofizicheskaya ekspedition tested and implement a stack of technological solutions which provides to the staff of subsidiary companies of Rosgeo remote access to the hardware-software platform of processing of geophysical data on the SaaS model (service as service). The pilot project is implemented within the strategy of digitalization and allows to form interregional teams of remote users for the solution of difficult tasks and projects and also to attract profile competences of specialists of Rosgeo.

The cloud technology platform for processing of geophysical data developed by a project team of TsGE together with colleagues from Rosgeo gives the chance to get access to the integrated computing means and the software, allows to save resources, including financial. Subsidiary companies of holding can not build stationary data processing centers and not purchase additional software. For the Russian market of geological exploration such approach to operation of IT resources is special,
emphasized the chief executive of JSC TsGE, the Doctor of Engineering Sergey Kirillov

Within a pilot project access to the software of Paradigm company was provided to the staff of "The Irkutsk geophysical division" (IGP, separate division of JSC Rosgeo). They processed (calculated) the geologic-geophysical project that allowed to check all features of remote interactive data processing using 3D - visualization according to the SaaS model.

Access to a software stack for the staff of Rosgeo is organized based on logic of virtual desktops. All computing infrastructure is located in Moscow in uniform seismic computer center of data processing of TsGE, and for access to virtual desktops on the platform IGP jobs based on the "thin" client were configured. Infrastructure of the solution was unrolled using VDI technologies with support "heavy" 3D - diagrams. Within pilot operation the staff of IGP in short terms executed processing of materials of seismic exploration of MOGT with a 3D capacity of 50

For January 15, 2020 the staff of other subsidiary company of Rosgeo – JSC Krasnodarneftegeofizika was connected to testing of the platform.

2019: Digital data processing at Lena River

JSC Centralnaya geofizicheskaya ekspedition (TsGE, affiliated enterprise JSC Rosgeo) carries out cameral processing of the materials received during field seismoprospecting works of MOGT 2D on the western slopes of the Nepsko-Botuobinsky antekliza and adjacent territories in Eastern Siberia.

The carried-out seismic works are interesting that they were executed along a river Vitim bed (inflow of Lena) when the line of registration of seismic waves is located ashore, and a point of excitation and acceptance – on the vessel in the river water area. Such specifics impose increased requirements to a technique of field works, to the choice of conditions of excitation and acceptance of waves and also to the specialist supervisor who should understand at the same time features of seismic exploration on the land, in the sea (river) and transitional (transit) zones.

As a result of express data processing control and quality evaluation of field information is executed, preliminary seismic cuts are received. Standard initial field data are transferred to specialists of TsGE for the subsequent cameral processing.

During cameral processing it is going to receive the total and migrated time and deep cuts along the river Vitim which together with seysmicheskm the data received on the land will allow to reveal large oil and gas potential objects in rifey-vend-nizhnekembriyskikh terrigenous and carbonate sedimentation complexes.