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Revenue Ths. rub


+ Government of the Russian Federation

OJSC "," RTCOM which is entrusted with the development of satellite assets of GC Rostelecom"" (OJSC Rostelecom owns 51% of the shares of CJSC GlobalTel), plans together with CJSC GlobalTel to provide its clients and customers of Rostelecom with package offers for fixed and mobile services.

Using 48 low-orbit satellites, the Globalstar Inc system provides coverage of almost the entire surface of the globe between 74 ° north and south latitude. Currently, Globalstar communication services are provided in more than 100 countries. The Russian segment of the Globalstar system, served by CJSC GlobalTel, is the territory of 11 countries, including the northern and eastern seas, part of the Pacific Ocean. Globalstar provides the best voice quality and the highest level of availability for all mobile satellite systems.

2023: Liquidation of legal entity in Russia

In December 2023, the operator of the satellite telephony system Globalstar liquidated the legal entity in the Russian Federation and thereby finally left the Russian market. The State Commission on Radio Frequencies (SCRF) also revoked permits to use several frequency bands issued to Globaltel (sold Globalstar services and equipment in Russia).

2022: Termination of subscriber services in Russia and a number of neighboring countries

Globaltel, the operator of the Russian segment of the international mobile satellite network Globalstar, announced the termination of subscriber services. According to an announcement on the company's website, this is due to Globalstar's decision to stop the operation of its Russian gateways. This became known on March 10, 2022.

The updated service map posted on the Globalstar website does not contain Russia. At the same time, a number of nearby countries disappeared from the network's service area: Ukraine, Belarus, the Baltic countries and Transcaucasia, Kazakhstan and the countries of Central Asia, as well as partially Mongolia and the countries of Scandinavia. The press service of Rostelecom, which owns Globaltel, declined to comment.

The Globalstar network was launched by the company of the same name the American into commercial operation in 2000. The network provides transmission voices and low-speed transmission services. data The network's service area contained most of the land, excluding northern and southern latitudes and, Africa as well as oceans. In addition to voice terminals, the system offers devices for internet of things and GPS receivers with the ability to transmit text messages.

For the work of Globalstar in Russia in the same 2000, Globaltel was created, co-owned by Rostelecom. In Russia, three gateway stations were created: in Pavlovsky Posad (Moscow region), Khabarovsk and Novosibirsk.

Globalstar filed for bankruptcy in 2002, but the network continued to operate. The successor to Globalstar was the American company Loral Space & Communications (LSC), which for a long time sued Rostelecom over its stake in Globaltel and the debts of its Russian subsidiary Globalstar. Globaltel was threatened with bankruptcy.

The proceedings ended in 2015, when Rostelecom consolidated Globaltel and bought back the company's debt to LSC in the amount of 2.5 billion rubles. The debt was redeemed for 108 million rubles, that is, at a discount of 96%.

In total, as of March 2022, there are four mobile satellite communication systems in Russia: Iridium, Globalstar, Inmarsat and Thuraya. Only Iridium provides full coverage around the world, and this is also an American company. In 2016, she launched a gateway station in Udmurtia. However, Iridium, unlike Globalstar, supports inter-satellite communication and can work without a ground station (as it was in Russia before 2016[1].

2020: Revenue of GlobalTel JSC increased by 14.8%

Revenue for 2020 JSC GlobalTel (service provider of Iridium's global competitor Globalstar) amounted to 132.4 million rubles, an increase of 14.8% compared to 2019 (from 112.8 million rubles). This is 6.3 times less than that of Iridium Communications.

A representative of GlobalTel (100% controlled by the Rostelecom group through RTCOM JSC) told a ComNews correspondent that in 2020, during the COVID-19 pandemic, the company noted an increase in traffic consumption by individuals who began to spend more time outside the city and, including in remote and hard-to-reach areas. "Using this trend, we modernized satellite equipment to maintain the quality of communication and managed to increase revenue. We will continue to improve the efficiency of the existing service delivery model, adapt it to the changing market situation. We expect that the gradual lifting of quarantine restrictions in 2021 will have a positive effect on the segment of corporate clients, "commented a representative of GlobalTel[2].


The Federal Antimonopoly Service Russia (FAS) approved in February 2015 the petition of RTCOM to acquire 49% of the voting shares of Globalstar-Space Telecommunications CJSC (GlobalTel brand) from the American satellite equipment manufacturer Loral Space & Communications Holdings Corporation. 51% of GlobalTely shares are already owned by RTCOM 's parent company, OJSC.Rostelecom

The decision of the FAS at the request of "РТКомм.РУ" was published on the website of the department. The request for the purchase of 49% of the voting shares of the mobile satellite operator GlobalTel from OJSC RTCOM was received by the FAS on January 29, 2015.

"In 2011, by order of the President of Rostelecom, RTCOM was appointed responsible for the development of all satellite assets of the operator. The acquisition of 49% of GlobalTel is aimed at consolidating the company's resources not only in fixed satellite communications, but also in mobile. 51% of GlobalTely's shares belong to Rostelecom, so the redistribution of shares is not yet planned, "Alexander Stepanov, commercial director of RTCOM, explained to ComNews reporter.

In turn, 49% of GlobalTele's voting shares are owned by Loral Space & Communications Holdings Corporation. Back in March 2012, a bankruptcy case was initiated against GlobalTele in connection with the failure to fulfill the company's financial obligations to the lender, Loral Space & Communications Holdings Corporation.

These financial commitments have dragged on GlobalTelom since the late 1990s, when it was co-owned not by Loral, but by the Globalstar L.P. consortium, which was created by Loral Space & Communications and Qualcomm Corporation. GlobalTel received from Globalstar L.P. equipment for three gateway stations, which in 1999-2000. installed near Moscow, Novosibirsk and Khabarovsk. The cost of these gateway stations, taking into account auxiliary equipment and services, amounted to $41 million. Until the return of this amount to GlobalTelom, Globalstar took all the equipment as collateral. However, GlobalTel never paid off the lender, and in 2002 Globalstar itself filed for bankruptcy, and part of its assets passed to Loral. The operator of the Globalstar global network in 2003 was the newly created structure in Globalstar Inc., the majority owner of which was Thermo Capital Partners.

The details of the deal to buy out the "Rostelecom" debts of Globaltel, the Russian operator of the Globalstar satellite network, from the American owners of the network have become known. It turned out that the debt was redeemed at a discount of 96%[3].


The Moscow Arbitration Court appointed in June 2013 the provider of mobile satellite communications GlobalTel (partially owned by Rostelecom) as interim manager - the company is in the process of bankruptcy after non-payment of debts to the lender and shareholder - Loral Space & Communications Holding.

The Moscow Arbitration Court made this decision in mid-May this year, during the consideration of the case on declaring Globalstar - Space Communications CJSC (GlobalTel brand) bankrupt, which is the operator of the Globalstar global mobile mobile satellite system.

Now the company has an interim managing director Vyacheslav Barinov from the self-regulatory organization of arbitration managers "Development," and external control has been established over GlobalTelom itself for 18 months.

The bankruptcy case of GlobalTela was initiated back in March 2012 in connection with the failure to fulfill the company's financial obligations to the creditor, Loral Space & Communications Holdings Corp. During the construction of the gateway in Khabarovsk, GlobalTel did not pay Loral 1.3 billion rubles, which the company invested in the project. Another 879 million rubles. is a penalty.
