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Digital Medical Services


Pharmaceuticals, Medicine, Healthcare
Medical Device Manufacturers
Since 2019
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
121059, Berezhkovskaya embankment, house 38, building 1, office 16, floor 5


RT Labs - 51%
Pharmstandard - 49%
Financial results
2023 year
Revenue: 7.01232 millions Ths. rub



+ Digital Medical Services (Digital Medical Services)
+ Government of the Russian Federation

Financial performance

2023: Revenue - 7.012 billion rubles

The revenue of the company "Tsifromed" at the end of 2023 amounted to 7.012 billion rubles. Read more about Rostelecom's IT ecosystem here.

Data for 2023


2025: Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Mikhail Mishustin identified Tsifromed as the only provider of GIS services in the healthcare sector

On March 7, 2025, the chairman Governments of the Russian Federation Mikhail Mishustin signed a decree appointing Digital Medical Services LLC (Tsifromed) as the only supplier of goods, works and services during the operation of subsystems of the Unified state Information System in the field health care (). UNIFORM STATE HEALTH INFORMATION SYSTEM We are talking about purchases Ministry of Health in 2025-2026.

When implementing state contracts, Tsifromed will be able to attract subcontractors and co-executors, provided that at least 5% of the total value of obligations is fulfilled on its own. The authority of a single supplier applies to purchases for the creation, implementation, development and operation of Uniform State Health Information System, digital services in the field of healthcare, centralized digital technologies, platforms for the interaction of GIS and Uniform State Health Information System, as well as the organization of the provision of computing power to the federal Uniform State Health Information System data center. The government decree says that state contracts can be concluded for the period until December 31, 2026.

Mikhail Mishustin

The Tsifromeda website reports that the company continues the active development of the Uniform State Health Information System and has GIS CHI launched blood and bone marrow donor registers for, and FMBA Russia is also introducing new digital medical services to the Gosulug portal. Work with electronic medical books is organized.

The head of the direction of electronic medical documents and telemedicine services "Tsifromeda" Sergey Lagutin speaks about the introduction of the function of working with electronic medical images: this will allow citizens to receive their electronic medical images directly on the State Public services portal without going to the medical organization. And within the framework of the Medical Documents service, it will be possible to download them as legally significant.[1]


1st place in TAdviser ranking "Largest IT suppliers in Russian healthcare"

The company "Tsifromed" took 1st place in the ranking "The largest IT suppliers in Russian healthcare," prepared by TAdviser in January 2025 based on the revenue of companies from the implementation of relevant projects for 2023. Read more here.

Data for 2023

Former top managers of Tsifromeda got off with suspended sentences for trying to lure 10 million rubles from the head of the Moscow Center for New Telecommunications Technologies

On December 25, 2023, it became known that the Tverskoy court Moscow found the former top managers of JSC "Leonid Tsifromed Kokovin and Roman Selivanov guilty of fraud. For each of the defendants in the case, a sentence of three years of probation was determined. More. here

Closing the deal with Alg to create a joint venture RTK-Innomed

Qifromed, the parent company of the Medicine Digital Cluster, PJSC Rostelecom, and ALGOM closed the deal to create a joint venture in the field of digital technologies for healthcare - RTK-Innomed. This was announced on November 15, 2023 by Zdrav.Expert representatives of Tsifromed. Read more here.

Commercial director detained

On February 7, 2023, it became known that Leonid Kokovin, commercial director of Tsifromed LLC, and Roman Selivanov, top manager of the company, were detained in Moscow on suspicion of fraud. Read more here.

"Digital" becomes a single supplier for digital platforms of the Ministry of Health and FMBA

In February 2023, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin wrote an order to which he appointed Digital Medical Services LLC as the only supplier for the creation and development of digital platforms of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and the Federal Medical and Biological Agency (FMBA) of Russia. Read more here.

2022: New CEO - Vladimir Pasynkov

As TAdviser found out, in March 2022, the CEO of Tifromed, a joint venture between Rostelecom and Rostec, was replaced. Instead of Nadezhda Izotova, who headed the company since July 2021, Vladimir Pasynkov was appointed to the post of general director, who had previously served as director of the IT network of Medsi clinics. Read more here.


"Tsifromed" became the only executor of contracts of the Ministry of Health and FMBA for the development of Uniform State Health Information System

"Tsifromed" became the only executor of contracts of the Ministry of Health and FMBA for the development of Uniform State Health Information System. The corresponding government order in October 2021 was signed by Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin. Read more here.

Pharmstandard bought 49% of Tsifromed

At the end of April 2021, the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) of Russia announced the approval of a deal to sell 49% of Digital Medical Services LLC (Tsifromed) to the National Digital Health System (NCSZ). The financial and other terms of the agreement were not disclosed.

According to Interfax, citing data from SPARK-Interfax, NCSZ JSC, through its 100% subsidiary, Mig Digital LLC, owns the pharmaceutical holding Pharmstandard.

Qifromed is developing as a platform for the creation of public and private products in the field of digital medicine. Based on it, practical products are being developed both for the compulsory medical insurance sector and for the non-state market segment.

Pharmstandard buys 49% of Tsifromed

The joint venture consolidates the expertise and competencies of RostelecomRostec individual companies existing in the circuit "" and "" to develop applied medical solutions and support software for the regional and federal segments. Unified State Health Information System (Uniform State Health Information System) On the basis of Tsifromeda, a single technical team has been formed to develop functional modules of the created digital platform. Business lines related to innovative digital services and services for medical organizations, doctors and citizens have also been created.

Consolidation of the efforts of the two largest players in the Russian market will provide regions and medical organizations with the best technologies and practices, minimize risks when implementing measures to build a single digital circuit in healthcare based on Uniform State Health Information System. The task of our team is to maximize citizens' access to the capabilities of the Russian health care system using digital technologies, Rostec said.[2]

2020: Creation of a joint venture with RDIF and Doctis to develop a telemedicine platform

Qifromed (a subsidiary of RT Labs JSC and the National Center for Informatization of Rostec State Corporation), Doctis and RDIF are creating a joint venture to develop a telemedicine platform using the resources of the Mother and Child network of medical clinics. Roselectronics announced this on October 30, 2020. Read more here.

2019: Building a company

On July 15, 2019, it became known about the creation by Rostec and Rostelecom of a joint venture that will develop medical digital technologies. The new company is called Tsifromed, 51% in it was received by Rostelecom's subsidiary RT Labs, and 49% by Rostec's National Center for Informatization (NCI).

The general director of the company was, Alexander Korsak who led the NCI projects in the field of informatization. health care

As Kommersant writes with reference to Rostelecom, Tsifromed will develop, implement and operate information systems and their components in the healthcare sector. It is assumed that the joint venture consolidates the competencies of Rostelecom and Rostec to develop medical solutions and support software for the Unified State Health Information System (Uniform State Health Information System).

Rostelecom and Rostec have created a company for the development of medical IT systems

By mid-July 2019, Rostelecom is implementing projects for the introduction of medical IT systems in 25 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, Rostec - in 35. The creation of the joint venture will increase the total share of companies' presence in the regions and "will allow them to take a leading position in the market, they will calculate in a telecommunications company.

Qifromed will create digital services for the population that increase the availability and quality of medical services (electronic medical records, online appointment with specialists, My Health office on the public services portal, telemedicine consultations). In addition, the company will work on the creation and development of an information and analytical system for public procurement of drugs.

177 billion rubles will be allocated for the creation of a single digital health care circuit on the basis of Uniform State Health Information System until 2024. At the same time, 60% of the amount will be taken from the federal budget, and the rest will be added by the regions.

The joint business of Rostelecom and Rostec increases the chances "on time and qualitatively fulfill the strategy of the Ministry of Health," said Ruslan Zaydullin, co-founder and general director of the Doc + mobile clinic. At the same time, "it will be difficult to implement all goals and plans without partnership with private companies," adds a Kommersant source in the[3] market[4]
