Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2




+ Government of the Russian Federation
+ GS-Invest (GS Invest)

Before BTF-Medecine the ambitious task – to become one of leaders in the regional market of medical information systems is set, creating also implementing solution, the corresponding Concepts of creation of a single state information system in the field of health care No. 364 of April 28, 2011.

The "Budget and Financial Technologies" company (BFT) entering into IBS Group Holding left partnership BTF-Medecine. As stated in the annual report of IBS[1], BFT got rid of 51% of a share in this structure, having lost $300 thousand on this transaction.

Exit of BFT from the "daughter" called in honor of it took place at the end of 2012 – i.e. in a year after creation BTF-Medecine. Let's remind, this partnership was formed together with Alexey Chernousov, the CEO and the owner of SMARTS Delta Sistems (SDS) company. Chernousov became a CEO BTF-Medecine, having received 10% of its shares.

During creation BTF-Medecine was planned that SDS company will actively participate in tenders of regional administrations for creation of management systems for health care which should be integrated with the Single state information system of health care. Within the Upgrade of Health Care program in 2011-2012 about 30 billion rubles were selected for purchase of software and computers in regions.

SDS could win two large tenders for creation of regional information systems in health care: in Volgograd (42 million rubles) and Tula (30.1 million rubles) areas. And here BTF-Medecine could not receive any. However, the tender of the Republic of Mari El with a product SDS "Infoklinika" was won by BFT, but contract amount was only 62 thousand rubles.