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New service company NSK




+ New Service Company (NSC)
+ Gazprom Media Holding (GPMH)
+ All-Russia State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company (VGTRK)
+ Government of the Russian Federation
Yuri Valentinovich Kovalchuk
+ Gazprom-Media Holding

NSK is the technology company in the media advertizing market. It develops and implements technologies and products, provides industrial analytics. As child structures of NSK seller regional and Internet advertizing act: "Region of Media", IMHO, Gazprom-Media Digital.



Receiving 70% in Gazprom-Media Digital, increase in authorized capital

In March, 2017 "The new service company" became the owner of 70% of Gazprom Media — Didzhital LLC managing the seller of the Internet advertizing Gazprom-Media Digital. The remained 30% remained with structure of Gazprom Media.

The authorized capital of New Service Company LLC at the end of April, 2017 grew to 596 million rubles, the USRLE demonstrates. At registration of society in October of the 2016th authorized capital equaled only 1 million rubles. After increase in authorized capital of New Service Company of a share of her founders remained the same, as well as at registration, follows from[1].

The share of Gazprom Media in authorized capital "Nova of service company" increased from 309 thousand to nearly 184.2 million rubles. It turns out that 70% of Gazprom-Media Digital were estimated at 183.9 million rubles. Respectively, all seller of Internet advertizing can cost nearly 262.7 million rubles.

The director of corporate communications of Gazprom Media Irina Osadchaya specified: the holding "made a contribution to authorized capital "Nova of service company" in the form of transfer of a 70 percent share "Gazprom Media – Didzhital".

If Gazprom Media was entered by Gazprom-Media Digital packet to authorized capital "Nova of service company", then to other her founders to save the shares, most likely, it was necessary to invest money. To Taimuraz Bolloyev and Dmitry Lebedev – 140.1 million rubles, Sergey Rudnov – 130.9 million rubles.

FAS permits the company absorption of Vi, IMHO Vi and GPMD

In January, 2017 "The new service company" sent FULL FACE petitions for acquisition of stocks of the companies "Group Trend to Video International and IMHO Vi and also Gazprom-Media Digital shares. "VI the Trend" sells advertizing in regional air of most the Russian TV channels, and IMHO Vi and Gazprom-Media Digital are responsible for sale of advertizing on the Internet. Permission was got.


Receiving control in "Business center "Video International"

In December, 2016 "The new service company" became the owner of one of structures of Vi – Business Centre Video International LLC before the transaction renamed into New Service Company Plus LLC. In Vi this society was responsible for IT service. Emergence of this subsidiary company then did not affect in authorized capital of a back office of the megaseller in any way.

Yury Kovalchuk and Gazprom Media create the company

NSK were founded in October, 2016 by four owners — Gazprom Media (30.9%), the former head of Olympstroy Taimuraz Bolloyev, the chairman of the board of directors of Bank Rossiya Dmitry Lebedev (at both on 23.55%) and the successor of the St. Petersburg media manager Oleg Rudnov Sergey (22%). Sources of Kommersant were explained that misters Lebedev and Rudnov represent in NSK the interests of the businessman Yury Kovalchuk, and mister Bolloyev — "clear and comfortable" for it the partner. NSK also performs functions of a back office for the "National advertizing alliance" founded by the largest Russian media companies — Channel One, VGTRK, Gazprom Media and "National media group".

Until the end of 2016 TV commercial in Russia was sold by a seller of Vi whom market participants connect with structures of Yury Kovalchuk and his partners, and the younger competitor of Vi — the sales house of Gazprom Media entering into the holding of the same name. Vi and Gazprom Media transferred sales to the general alliance. Gazprom Media will also renew on the new company of staff of the Alkasar agency belonging to it which sells regional TV commercial, reported several sources of Kommersant in December, 2016. The sales house of Gazprom Media continues to place sponsor's advertizing as a part of the holding of the same name.
