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Summa Telecom


Summa Telecom - the Russian Internet service provider. In September, 2009 announced plans for construction of networks of broadband access in the Internet on the basis of FTTB technology.



Revenue and Net Profit millions


+ Government of the Russian Federation


In 2019 Rostelecom purchased the Summa Telecom group (Sumtel trademark) rendering communication services to individuals and the organizations in the territory of 13 cities of Russia including St. Petersburg. Sumtel services 94.5 thousand households and 4.4 thousand corporate clients.

The Summa Capital holding of the Dagestan entrepreneur Ziyavudin Magomedov was the only shareholder of the company.

Sumtel entered into Summa Group which owner Ziyavutdin Magomedov together with the brother Mahomed since 2018 are in custody on a charge of establishing a criminal organization. 100% the share in Sumtel cost Rostelecom 908 million rubles. The most part of this amount, 662 million rubles, was paid at the time of the transaction, the remained 246 million rubles should be paid till March, 2020.


Networks of the company are laid in 5 cities — St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Lipetsk, Makhachkala, Voronezh, until the end of 2009 networks will also be built in Rostov-on-Don, Tver, Tula and Oryol. Investments until the end of 2009 will make $70 million, in 2010 — not less than $40 million, all investments are means of shareholders.

In addition to construction of own networks, recently Summa Telecom performed also acquisition of the St. Petersburg Internet service provider "Severen-Home" (Digit trademark) for $9 million. Thanks to a subscriber base of the purchased operator in the amount of 40 thousand clients, Summa Telecom practically implemented the plan for connections of subscribers this year: now the company services 48 thousand clients at 52 thousand planned. In St. Petersburg where Summa Telecom independently built networks in the Central, Admiralty and Petrograd districts, with acquisition Severen-Home the coverage of the operator made 11 of 12 areas. By estimates Rustelekom, in the Northern Capital the company services 4% of the market.

From former times at Summa Telecom there were sections of trunk capacity on the Moscow — Rostov-on-Don and Omsk — Gorno-Altaysk lines, and in the Volga region the company in general got rid of trunk channels, the commercial director of Amount Oleg Leonov told CNews. Also, unlike plans of last management, now Amount does not intend to become the federal trunk operator, and, in particular, did not begin to develop the project of construction of the trunk channel announced earlier from Sakhalin to Japan.

The company decided to leave, tell the brand developed by previous leaders and the Sumtel logo Leonov, but the creative concept on his promotion was developed again. Also since the previous board Amount had two regional assets — the Yakut operator of fixed connection Essotel-Rustelekom (owns also the license for cellular communication of the GSM standard) and Kazakh "subsidiary" "Summa Telecom Kazakhstan" in which asset — frequencies for WiMAX. Development of both of these directions do not appear in priorities of Amount now, Prokopyev said.



Summa Telecom received the All-Russian frequency bands for wireless data transmission of the WiMAX standard and a professional radio communication of Tetra. Also Amount announced that it wants to become the fourth federal mobile operator, and began to win the competitions which were taking place then on distribution of GSM licenses in Russian regions. However after the company won licenses in a number of regions of the Far East and the Urals, the lost operators (in particular, VimpelCom), lifted scandal. The federal service on supervision in the field of communication, mass communications and protection of cultural heritage which in 2007 passed powers on carrying out tenders to rendering services of cellular communication decided to change competitive conditions.

It caused series of judicial proceedings between service and the Ministry of information technologies and communications which was headed then by Leonid Reiman. However, eventually tenders on other regions took place on new conditions in which won nothing Summa Telecom.


The new management headed by the former head of cellular division of Eventis Telecom company (works in the CIS countries) Ivan Prokopyev, which decided to concentrate on other direction — construction of networks of broadband access in the Internet came to the company. At the same time the Summa Capital holding of the Dagestan entrepreneur Ziyavudin Magomedov remains the only shareholder of the company.


The Federal Antimonopoly Service strove for cancellation in court of results of the first tenders in which Amount became the favourite. In addition, the company also could not start WiMAX-and Tetra-network, having lost the right to uses of the corresponding frequencies.


In 2010 Summa Telecom completed the first stage of strategy implementation of regional development, having opened representations in ten cities of Russia. Including Summoy Telecom the radio backbone network 250 km long in such region as the Republic of Dagestan low-saturated in terms of telecommunication infrastructure was built that allowed to connect the remote sections of the region to the Internet. The additional importance of an award is given by the fact that work of top management was mentioned by an award only one and a half years later after an exit to mass market. The company connected the first subscriber in April, 2009, and for today the subscriber base makes about 125,000 people in ten regions of Russia.

2016: On October 14 the court of Moscow will consider the application for bankruptcy of Summy Telecom

The Moscow arbitration court appointed to October 14, 2016 consideration of the applications of Huawei Technical Company LLC and Stelkominzhiniring LLC about recognition of Summa Telecom LLC (enters into Summa Group) the bankrupt.[1] reports about it[2][3].

The amount of claims of claimants to Summe Telecom it is not announced, but it is noted that the first submitted a claim to the company Huawei, in May of this year, and in July Stelkominzhiniring LLC joined it.

In recent years Summa Telecom showed not the best financial performance. Against the background of revenue in 759 million rubles in 2014 and 646 million rubles in 2015, net loss of the company for the specified periods made 3.89 billion and 3.36 billion rubles respectively.

At the same time in May, 2016 the Summa Group reported that it will reorganize business of the subsidiary companies "Summa Telecom" and "National Telecom" therefore the first asset will concentrate on system integration and information protection, and the second — on operator business and b2b-solutions.

2019: Entry into Rostelecom Group

In 2019 Rostelecom purchased the Summa Telecom group (Sumtel trademark) rendering communication services to individuals and the organizations in the territory of 13 cities of Russia including St. Petersburg. Sumtel services 94.5 thousand households and 4.4 thousand corporate clients.
