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National Media Group


National Media Group CJSC (NMG) is one of the largest private media holdings in Russia, uniting the assets of key segments of the Russian media market.

Bank of Russia - 35,5%
Surgutneftegas - 26,22%
Gas Industry Insurance Company (SOGAZ) - 21,2%
Gazprom-Media Holding - 7,5%
Revenue and Net Profit millions Ths. rub



+ National Media Group (NMG)
Yuri Valentinovich Kovalchuk
+ Government of the Russian Federation
+ Rosneft of the Tax Code
+ Gazprom-Media Holding


The composition of the NMG includes (as of March 2014):

  • TV and Radio Company "Petersburg - Channel Five" (72.4%),
  • "Channel One" (25%),
  • TV channel Accept (Ren TV) (68%),
  • the newspaper "Izve­stiya" (73.2%) and
  • radio station "Russian News Service" (100%).

In addition, in 2011, the structures of Itera Oil and Gas and Rossiya Bank, including NMG, closed the deal to buy 25.2% of STS Media holding from Alfa-Group (STS, Domashny and Peretz television networks).

In October 2013, the National Media Group received the management of the Metro-Petersburg newspaper.

In 2014, they acquired 50% each in the companies Art Pickchers Vision and Art Pickers Studio.

In the spring of 2015, NMG acquired a 25% stake in Sport the '-express' company, which included a television channel and a newspaper of the same name. Channels and are also attached to the group's assets STS. Tele2

In September 2018, the National Media Group created NMG Studio to invest in content.

Performance indicators


The revenue of the National Media Group (NMG) holding, which includes Channel One and Channel Five and Ren-TV, in 2016 amounted to 25 billion rubles, showing an increase of 54%. This was stated by the general director of the company Olga Paskina in an interview with the newspaper Vedomosti.

According to her, the EBITDA indicator has tripled, but Paskina did not voice the exact data about it. In addition, the number of viewers of the holding's channels, including paid ones, increased by almost one and a half times. The fastest growing of the airwaves was Ren-TV, which demonstrated a 21% increase in the target audience (25-54 years old).


2023: Quitting a joint venture with Viasat

The National Media Group (NMG) has withdrawn from its joint business with Viasat. We are talking about Sinerji LLC, in which by March 21, 2023 the Shinerji 80% belongs to Granat LLC (operates in the field of television broadcasting). Another 20% belongs to Sabiero Holdings Limited limited liability company, according to the data of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRUL). Read more here.


Warner Bros bans broadcasting of its products on NMG TV channels

In November 2022, amid the conflict in Ukraine, the Hollywood studio Warner Bros. sent a letter to the leadership of the National Media Group, in which it banned broadcasting its products on the TV channels of the Russian holding.

Creating your own film distribution company

The National Media Group has created its own film distribution company - NMG Film Distribution. This was announced on November 10, 2022. Read more here.

Purchase of a stake in STS

On June 7, 2022, it became known about VTB's withdrawal from the capital of STS Media. The share in the amount was bought by the National Media Group (NMG). The value of the transaction is not called. Read more here.

2021: New CEO - Svetlana Balanova

Svetlana Balanova will become the new general director of the National Media Group (NMG), the NMG press service reported on January 29, 2021. In this position, she will replace Olga Paskina, who on February 5 leaves the post of general director of NMG after five years of work and implementation of the strategy. Read more here.

2020: Netflix Localization Partner in Russia

In September 2020, it became known that Netflix plans to localize in Russia, where its partner will be the National Media Group (NMG), the video service said.

"Netflix is available in more than 30 languages worldwide. Almost five years after the launch of our English version in Russia, we are pleased to offer users our service entirely in Russian in partnership with the National Media Group. "

2018: Creation of "NMG Studio"

NMG Studio was created by the National Media Group in September 2018 (according to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities) to "develop and enrich the Russian film market with world-class projects," as well as expand NMG's presence in the film production segment.

2017: Acquisition of AmberData platform for measuring Internet audience

The National Media Group (NMG) has acquired the AmberData Internet audience meter. The platform he is developing allows you to collect and analyze impersonal user data.

According to Kommersant, NMG plans to use a meter to analyze the behavior of users of its Internet resources, in the future - also an audience of online video platforms and IPTV. The value of the transaction, according to market participants, does not exceed $1 million.

It is assumed that the platform will help collect additional behavioral data and other characteristics of users who access NMG resources. In addition, the project will provide information to third-party partners.

The AmberData platform in 2011 was launched by IT specialists Vi Yevgeny Batyashin and Alexei Kashtanov, who bought it three years after the reduction of their department in Vi and registered their own enterprise.


National Media Group Prepares to Rebrand

The media leaked information that the National Media Group (NMG) is developing a concept for rebranding the media holding, writes the RNS news agency.

As of August 2016, the logo is a stylized abbreviation of NMG in the colors of the Russian flag, however, over the past two years, the structure of the media holding has seriously changed, including several broadcasting divisions and a joint venture with Discovery Networks, and the visualization of the brand has ceased to meet the realities. NGM attracted communication agencies to develop a new brand, setting them the task of conveying that the group is not a set of disparate assets, but a single media space.

At the same time, the developers of the new brand confirm that the owners of NMG do not plan to change the name of the holding. The holding includes quite established media brands, which are not planned to get rid of: we are talking only about the technical task of forming a new corporate identity, which will emphasize the unity of all these brands.

Experts, however, admit that the rebranding of the "National Media Group" is only part of the planned changes. "There can be only one logic here - going to the IPO. Perhaps private investors will be more willing to buy a holding with a single brand. But at the same time, the media is a very difficult asset for an IPO, "Alexey Yurov, founder of Brands & Brands Komandor, quotes RNS.
The cost of the ordered work is expected to be from 3 to 8 million rubles. The average price tag for rebranding of this scale is 5-6 million, this includes audit, work on a strategy, identifying values, including brands in the portfolio, building communications, and so on.

NMG refused credit ratings

Holding "National Media Group" refused credit ratings, citing the fact that the company is not an active participant in the loan market. Despite this, the rating agency RAEX (Expert RA) lowered the rating of the long-term creditworthiness of NGM from A + to A (the first sub-level, with a stable forecast. However, RAEX will no longer publish the NMG rating. RAEX writes about this to Vedomosti[1].

As Pavel Mitrofanov, Managing Director for Corporate Ratings at RAEX, explained, according to the current rules of the organization, the agency had to assign and publish the NMG rating before completely stopping rating the company in the future.

In turn, the downgrade of NMG was affected by the general risks associated with the company's activities and the unstable dynamics of the Russian media market, which attracted the "largest investments of the company" to a deterioration in the financial condition. Low business diversification also has a negative impact. And among the restraining factors, RAEX attributed a high share of short-term receivables and a high share of the largest counterparty in this structure. Which counterparty is in question is not reported.

The RAEX report also said that NMG has insufficient "profitability of the group's management company" and "low level of financial disclosure." In turn, representatives of NMG note that the holding's assets are quite diversified compared to other players in the media market, and they are not obliged to publish financial statements anywhere, since they are in fact a closed joint-stock company.

Gazprom-Media Holding became the owner of 7.5% of NMG shares

In the spring of 2016, Gazprom-Media Holding became the owner of a 7.5% stake in the National Media Group. The purchase was made in March and cost GPMKh 11.2 billion rubles, according to Gazprombank GAZPROMBANK[2].

The document says that Gazprom-Media Holding acquired a stake in NMG from third parties, but from whom it is not specified. According to Vedomosti, Gennady Timchenko could become the seller, at least it was he who had a share in the National Media Group in the amount of 7.5%. Timchenko himself acquired a stake in NMG back in 2013 from the Luxembourg company RTL. The transaction amount amounted to 81 million euros.

Recall that in February 2016, Gazprom-Media Holding[3] submitted an application to the FAS for the acquisition of 33.3% of the shares of Pladform. This platform distributes and monetizes content on the Internet. And with it, for example, actively cooperates the largest Russian social network "VKontakte."


Purchase of 25% of Sport-Express

In the spring of 2015, NMG acquired a 25% stake in Sport Express, which included a television channel and a newspaper of the same name.

STS and Tele2 TV channels entered NMG

CTC and Tele2 channels join the group's assets.


Buy 50% each at Art Pickchers Vision and Art Pickers Studio

In March 2014, National Media Group CJSC announced the completion of the transaction to acquire 50% of the authorized capital of Art Pickchers Vision LLC (part of Art Pickchers Group of Companies), one of the leading producers of TV films and TV series in Russia.

As a result of the transaction, CJSC National Media Group integrates a full cycle of managing television and cinematic content - from production to distribution.

"Partnership with NMG is a tremendous opportunity for the qualitative development of professional television content. This segment of the media market in Russia today is experiencing an urgent need for new interesting products, fresh creative solutions. Without a doubt, together with our partner, we will be able to become suppliers of high-class TV content, which will be appreciated by both customers and viewers, "said Fyodor Bondarchuk, founder of Art Pickers

NMG CJSC also reached an agreement to acquire 50% of Art Pickers Studio LLC, one of the most famous Russian film companies (part of Art Pickers Group of Companies). The deal will close after receiving appropriate regulatory approvals.

Alina Kabaeva headed the board of directors

September 15, 2014 it became known that the Olympic champion in rhythmic gymnastics, State Duma deputy Alina Kabaeva will head the board of directors of the National Media Group.

"Kabaeva Alina Maratovna, who headed the Public Council of the National Media Group holding for six years, accepted the offer to take the post of chairman of the holding's board of directors," the representative of Kabaeva said in a statement at the disposal of ITAR-TASS

Earlier it became known that Kabaeva wrote a statement of her own free will about the resignation of the State Duma deputy. "The deputy wrote a statement, we satisfied him," the head of the State Duma Committee on Regulations Sergei Popov explained to ITAR-TASS.


Revenue 12.1 billion, profit - 1.5 billion rubles

NMG's revenue for 2013 under IFRS reached 12.121 billion rubles, OIBDA - 2.721 billion rubles, net profit - 1.499 billion rubles[4].

Timchenko buys 7.5% in NMG from RTL Group for $81 million

The opportunity to invest in NMG from the Volga Group Gennady Timchenko appeared in August 2013, when there was a "corresponding offer on the market," said later (in October 2014) Anton Kurevin, director of communications at the Volga Group. It was in August 2013 that it became known that the Luxembourg RTL Group would exercise its option to sell 7.5% of NMG owned by it. RTL Group itself announced its withdrawal from the shareholders of NMG on September 19, 2013, informing then that its package went to "one of the current shareholders of the group." The package was acquired from RTL Group, confirm Kurevin and a source close to the shareholders of NMG[4].

In September 2013, 7.5% of NMGs were sold for €81 million. The entire group was thus valued at €1.08 billion, or about 46.522 billion rubles.

Ownership structure

It is known that To SOGAZ at the end of 2013, 21.2% of National Media Group CJSC belonged: such information is provided in the insurer's reports on. And IFRS"" in Surgutneftegas its reporting indicates that at the end of 2013 it owned 26.22% of NMG. At the same time, the oil company estimated the fair value of NMG's net assets at 19.688 billion rubles.

According to the statements of the bank Russia"" IFRS according to the results of 2012, it follows that at that time the credit institution "taking into account indirect ownership" owned 35.5% of National Media Group CJSC[4]

From the information in the SPARK database, we can conclude that until September 2014, the bank owned NMG through its 100% subsidiary, the Abros investment company. But in September 2014, Rossiya announced that it was ending its participation in LLC IK Abros. According to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, since September 11, 99.9955% of the company has been owned by LLC IK Abros itself, and the owners of the remaining tiny package through LLC Big House, 9 are Kirill Klishin, Dmitry Lebedev, Sergey Fursenko, Tatyana, Yuri and Kirill Kovalchuk.

Kirill Kovalchuk, nephew of the main owner of Rossiya Bank Yuri Kovalchuk, has been chairman of the board of directors of NMG since the summer of 2012, but in September 2014 lost this post to Alina Kabaeva and became president of the group.


Revenue growth to RUB 9.8 bln

The revenue of the National Media Group (NMG) media holding for 2011 amounted to 9.838 million rubles. against 7.685 million a year earlier, showing an increase of 22%.

Operating profit (EBIT) for the past year amounted to RUB 1.106 billion, with a comparable negative EBIT for 2010 in the amount of RUB 3.016 billion. OIBDA for 2011 amounted to RUB 915 million, with a comparable negative OIBDA a year earlier in the amount of RUB 2.467 billion.

According to the Association of Communication Agencies of Russia, the Russian advertising market in 2010 exceeded pre-crisis indicators and amounted to 263.4 billion rubles. excluding VAT. This is almost 21% more than in the previous year, and 4% more than in the pre-crisis 2008. TV advertising expenses increased by 18% to 131 billion rubles, and if you take into account political advertising, the volume of which amounted to 1 billion rubles in November - December last year. excluding VAT, then by 19%. The smallest growth at the end of the year is 6%, up to 40.4 billion rubles. - showed the print media. Radio grew by 15%, to 11.8 billion rubles.

RTL Group receives 7.5% in NMG in exchange for 30% in REN TV

RTL Group became a shareholder of NMG in May 2011, exchanging its 30% in REN TV for 7.5% in NMG. And immediately the Luxembourg group was given an option to sell its package in 2013. The Luxembourg group received a stake in REN TV back in 2005, then buying a stake from the founders of the channel Irena and Dmitry Lesnevsky. From the reporting of RTL Group it follows that in 2005 it invested €67 million in Russia. In the same year, the main owner of REN TV instead of RAO UES was Severstal Group Alexei Mordashov, who later contributed this asset to NMG[4].

As of June 30, 2011, after the exchange of packages had already taken place, Luxembourgers estimated their investment in NMG at €74 million.

2008: Creation of LMWG

CJSC National Media Group (NMG) was established in February 2008 by combining the media assets of JSC AB Russia, OJSC Severstal, OJSC Surgutneftegas and the Sogaz insurance group.
