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+ Government of the Russian Federation


2021: Moscow Exchange bought 95% of BierbaumPro shares

At the end of October 2021, the Moscow Exchange announced the acquisition of a 65.5% stake in BierbaumPro AG, which is the sole owner of NT Progress LLC, the developer of the NTPro over-the-counter trading platform for currency market instruments. According to the results of the transaction, which has already been closed, the share of the exchange in BierbaumPro AG increased from 29.5% to 95%.

According to the press service of the Moscow Exchange, the NTPro platform offers customers services for liquidity aggregation, matching and currency execution in a wide list of currency instruments, as well as services for connecting to more than 60 foreign exchange liquidity providers. The average daily turnover of the NTPro platform in 2021 amounted to about $7.5 billion, the company added.

The Moscow Exchange acquired 95% of the shares BierbaumPro

On the basis of NTPro technologies, the Linki Moscow Exchange service with foreign liquidity providers operates. Participants in the foreign exchange market can enter into spot transactions with G10 currencies at the prices of the global OTC market with settlements through the National Clearing House.

It is reported that in December 2021, the Moscow Exchange plans to provide the opportunity to clear OTC transactions with preliminary verification of collateral in NFCs to NTPro customers, which will allow using exchange-traded collateral to work in the OTC market through the platform. In the future, this service is planned to be provided to participants of other electronic platforms. The exchange expects further development of the NTPro platform in close cooperation with the current team.

NTPro is a rather popular service in the over-the-counter foreign exchange market, it is used by most large banks - active operators of the foreign exchange market, in particular Metallinvestbank, Sergey Romanchuk, head of operations in the foreign exchange and money market of Metallinvestbank, told Vedomosti. Such platforms allow large players with a large pool of foreign exchange liquidity to bring together customer applications outside the exchange, he explains:

With the help of internalization, you can, firstly, save on the exchange commission, and secondly, earn on a small price spread between the client's application and the value of the transaction with another player.[1]
