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Баннер в шапке 2

Atlas (TEA NEXT)




+ Fridman Mikhail Maratovich
+ The Mark Foundation for Cancer Research
+ Government of the Russian Federation


2021: Establishing a Company

On December 9, 2021, Rostelecom announced the creation of the Atlas project company, through which the construction of the main fiber-optic communication line (FOCL) "Transit Europe - Asia of the New Generation" (TEA NEXT) will be carried out.

Atlas is a joint venture between Rostelecom and the VEB.RFVEB Ventures venture fund. Each of the participants in the joint venture pledged to invest about 6 billion rubles in its capital. Total investments in the TEA NEXT project are estimated at $650 million, some of them will be provided by the authorized fund of the joint venture.

Rostelecom and ВЭБ.РФ created a joint venture to launch a high-speed communication line for $650 million

VOLS TEA NEXT will connect the western and eastern borders of Russia with links to the largest cities of the country and access to the borders Russia - Mongolia, Russia - China. The project perimeter also includes FOCL segments from the Russian borders to the main European traffic exchange points in Europe in Frankfurt and Stockholm and an underwater transport system from Vladivostok (Nakhodka coastal station) to Busan, Tokyo and Hong Kong with the ability to connect to other important points in the Southeast Asia region.

According to the press service of "Rostelecom" on December 9, 2021, the signing of legally binding documents means that the work on creating a corporate structure of the project has been completed, and this will allow the construction of the main segment of the future TEA NEXT communication line in 2022. At the same time, taking into account the great interest in the project on the part of financial partners, it is assumed that in the near future other external investors may enter the project.

VEB Ventures claims that as a result of the creation of a new infrastructure by 2030, about 30-35% of global Internet traffic between Europe and Asia will be able to be transmitted through the Russian Federation (by the end of 2021, traffic transit is from 10 to 15%). Atlas plans to lease the TEA Next backbone infrastructure to organize communication networks across the country and in transit between Europe and Asia.[1]
