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New Digital Solutions (formerly Digital for Business)


Information Technology
Since 2018
Gun Lane, 41, Floor 13, Office 13.15


+ Government of the Russian Federation

New Digital Solutions LLC (formerly Digital for Business) was established on June 6, 2018.


2022: MTS joins Rostelecom, MegaFon and VimpelCom 5G JV

On July 4, 2022, MTS entered the joint venture of MegaFon, Rostelecom and VimpelCom for the development of 5G networks, as evidenced by data from the SPARK-Interfax system. We are talking about New Digital Solutions LLC. MTS confirmed joining the enterprise, but refrained from commenting.

All participants in this joint venture have equal shares. "New digital solutions" are created to conduct tests for electromagnetic compatibility, research on the possibility of using bands of the radio frequency spectrum for the construction of 5G networks, as well as clearing the spectrum. MTS was previously in no hurry to be among the founders of this joint venture, but announced its intention, Kommersant notes on July 6, 2022.

MTS joins Rostelecom, MegaFon and VimpelCom 5G development joint venture

By this day, MTS has a license to launch networks of the new 5G communication standard in 83 constituent entities of Russia at frequencies of 24.25-24.65 GHz. The company planned to use them to create private closed networks at industrial enterprises, retail, oil and gas complex and logistics.

According to Rostelecom President Mikhail Oseevsky, the founders of New Digital Solutions have been expanding the membership of the joint venture for more than two years.

The shortage of frequencies suitable for creating 5G networks in Russia is one of the most significant deterrents. The joint venture has a very large amount of work ahead on the release of radio frequency resources, taking into account the entire range of issues - regulatory, organizational, technical, economic. The result of the work of the NCR should be an objective full-fledged picture of the frequency resource available for the construction of fifth-generation networks in Russia. These data will make it possible to make more balanced decisions both to the state at all levels of regulation and to mobile operators to build an effective business on the basis of new generation networks, he said.[1]


Release of 4400-4990 MHz frequencies for 5G testing

The State Commission on Radio Frequencies (GKRCH) at a meeting on November 29, 2021 decided to allocate a 4400-4990 MHz band to the New Digital Solutions (NCR) company for testing 5G networks.

This range, which is used by the FSO, the Federal Air Transport Agency, the Ministry of Defense and Roskosmos, is allocated for a period of two years.

Frequencies for 5G expanded in Russia

At the same time, GKRCH did not allow the joint venture VimpelCom, Rostelecom and MegaFon to test the 4555-4630 MHz and 4990-5000 MHz bands. These bands are also used by law enforcement agencies.

In addition, the commission refused to allocate 3.4-3.8 GHz frequencies to VimpelCom for 5G testing in the Moscow metro. Earlier, GKRCH has already refused to test this range of MTS and MegaFon.

Operators call the 3.4-3.8 GHz band "gold," since it is he who is best suited for the development of 5G. These frequencies belong to the power departments - the Ministry of Defense and the FSO - and are used by them for satellite communications.

On December 1, 2021, the press service of the Ministry of Digital Science reported that the subordinate research institute "Radio" continues the experiment on the use of models of 5G equipment. The purpose of the experiment is to determine the conditions for compatibility between different users of the 6 GHz band for the introduction of 5G networks in Russia. The results will be presented at the World Radio Conference in 2023. If additional bands are approved, manufacturers will be able to start adapting equipment for work at new frequencies.

In addition to the previously allocated frequencies of 6.7-6.8 GHz, according to the decision of the State Committee for Radio Broadcasting, the institute received 6.4-6.7 GHz bands, which will expand the range to 400 MHz.

The press service of MegaFon reported that it is necessary to conduct a study of the 4.4-4.8 GHz range for future 5G networks in order to understand the real availability of the entire band. This will avoid a situation in which frequencies may be unsuitable for practical use, the telecommunications company explained.[2]

Megafon, VimpelCom and Rostelecom created a joint venture to clear 5G frequencies

The companies VimpelCom"," MegaFon"" and Rostelecom"" agreed that they will become participants in New Digital Solutions LLC (NCR) with equal shares in the authorized capital. This was reported on June 3, 2021 TAdviser by MegaFon. The joint venture (JV) of operators will deal with security issues radio frequency resources for. creation of fifth generation mobile networks (5G) in Russia

The agreement on the joint venture was signed by MegaFon CEO Gevork Vermishyan, VimpelCom President Rashid Ismailov and Rostelecom President Oseevsky Mikhail Oseevsky.

"New Digital Solutions" will be engaged in the organization of electromagnetic compatibility testing (EMC), research on the possibility of using radio frequency spectrum bands for the construction of 5G networks, as well as the implementation of the necessary organizational and technical measures to release the radio frequency spectrum from operating electronic means of various purposes in bands acceptable for the deployment of 5G networks (including, but not limited to 694-790 MHz, 3.4-3.8 GHz, 4.4-4.99 GHz, 24.25-29.5 GHz).

"We are excited to welcome a new member of the New Digital Solutions joint venture. Over the past few years, as part of pilot projects, telecom operators have tested 5G capabilities in various bands and using all available types of equipment, such joint experience will help move on to commercial launches of fifth-generation networks in the most efficient frequency bands with the optimal implementation cost. We see the demand for new generation communication from business and subscribers and expect that in the near future we will be able to provide a basis for the development of new technologies in the country, "said Gevork Vermishyan, CEO of MegaFon.

"We have been going towards expanding the membership of the joint venture for more than two years, and I congratulate all of us on signing legally binding documents. The shortage of frequencies suitable for creating 5G networks in Russia is one of the most important deterrents. The joint venture has a very large amount of work ahead on the search and release of radio frequency resources, taking into account the entire range of issues - regulatory, organizational, technical, economic. The result of the work of the NCR should be an objective full-fledged picture of the frequency resource available for the construction of fifth-generation networks in Russia. These data will make it possible to make more balanced decisions both to the state at all levels of regulation and to mobile operators to build an effective business on the basis of next-generation networks, "said Mikhail Oseevsky, President of Rostelecom.

"The total number of operators operating commercial 5G networks has reached 157 in 62, countries of the world but among these countries there is no our country yet. The introduction of 5G in Russia has begun to lag behind the global trend, we face serious challenges, we need to solve the problem of frequency shortages, regulatory, organizational and technical issues of introducing new technology. Even large operators cannot solve these problems alone. VimpelCom is part of an international group, Veon we have accumulated vast experience in finding and releasing frequency resources, testing, implementing and developing communication networks in several countries of the world. We will be pleased to join the joint venture to help our companies in partnership, and in telecommunications industry Russian economy general overcome this gap and reach the forefront. I am sure that the result of our combined efforts will be the best world-class services for our subscribers, "said Rashid Ismailov, President of VimpelCom.

An agreement of intent to create a joint venture was signed in December 2019 between Rostelecom, "," "MegaFon and VimpelCom MTS for clearing the spectrum in the 700 MHz, 3.4-3.8 GHz, 4.4-4.99 GHz and 24.25-29.5 GHz bands in all regions, Russia as well as in other possible bands suitable for creating 5G networks. In April 2021 Federal Antimonopoly Service , she agreed on the conclusion of an agreement between VimpelCom, MegaFon and Rostelecom, taking into account the fact that the document contains conditions for non-discriminatory access to radio frequencies for all participants. mobile communications market

2020: FAS allowed telecom operators to create a joint venture for the development of 5G in Russia

On December 24, 2020, the Federal Antimonopoly Service () FAS announced the issuance of permission to create New Digital Solutions LLC - a joint venture "," "," "Rostelecom and in the MegaFonVimpelCom MTS field of 5G network.

At the same time, the FAS ordered companies to leave non-discriminatory access to radio frequencies for all representatives of the mobile radiotelephone market. Such a measure should preserve competition in this sector. In particular, telecom operators participating in the transaction need to develop and agree with the antimonopoly authority the conditions for using infrastructure and (or) sharing radio frequencies and the conditions for providing infrastructure for MVNO telecom operators, the department said.

FAS allowed Russian telecom operators to create a joint venture for the development of 5G in the country - New Digital Solutions LLC
Access to the released radio frequency spectrum for the construction of 5G networks and the subsequent provision of mobile radiotelephone services on 5G networks is an opportunity to provide new generation communication services in the Russian Federation, "said FAS Deputy Head Alexei Dotsenko.

Along with the Big Four, the regional operator Motive may enter the project, Kommersant writes, citing its sources. The operator's general director Alexei Artemasov, in a conversation with the newspaper, said that Motif was ready to take part in the deployment of 5G networks. Negotiations are underway to provide "equal, non-discriminatory conditions" for entering a joint venture, he said.

The "motive" has good positions in the Urals, but, like any regional operator, it becomes a hostage to higher prices in which other roaming players set it, said the head of the agency Content Review , Sergei Polovnikov. In his opinion, the company is unlikely to be able to count on large corporate clients.[3][4]


Third 5G joint venture between Rostelecom and MegaFon may join

The joint venture of PJSC Rostelecom and PJSC MegaFon on the development of the fifth generation mobile communication network (LLC New Digital Solutions) is in the active stage of negotiations with PJSC VimpelCom (Beeline) to join the operator to the joint venture. The company will also join the work of the formed consortium of Rostec and Rostelecom on 5G.

VimpelCom may join the joint venture between Rostelecom and MegaFon for the development of 5G. "We are now in the active stage of negotiations with VimpelCom," Rostelecom President Mikhail Oseevsky told reporters after the annual general meeting of shareholders (AGM) on June 14.

Megafon will transfer 5G frequencies to a joint venture with Rostelecom

On June 11, 2019, it became known that Megafon would transfer the frequencies owned by the Neosprint company purchased by the operator to a joint venture with Rostelecom.

Due to the current situation with frequencies in Russia, it is advisable to develop a compromise solution for the release of frequencies for 5G and their conversion from under one moderator, which collects and represents the interests of the entire industry. The company "New Digital Solutions" - JV "Megafon" and "Rostelecom" was recognized as such an operator. Frequencies that we bought separately are subject to contribution to the share capital in this JV,

According to Vermishyan, frequency transmission will happen very soon. To do this, it is necessary to assess the frequencies owned by Rostelecom and Megafon, and attract other players to the joint venture - VimpelCom and MTS. The main task is to unite everyone under one philosophy: 3.4-3.8 GHz is the most valuable range for 5G, so the work on its conversion must be coordinated.

On June 10, 2019, it became known that the Security Council of the Russian Federation does not support the release of 3.4-3.8 GHz frequencies for 5G, since they are used by government services, the transfer of civilian communications is inappropriate for reasons of security and defense of the country[5]

Pavel Korchagin appointed executive director of the joint venture

On April 9, 2019, it became known that he was Pavel Korchagin appointed executive director of the joint venture of PJSC "" and MegaFon PJSC "" Rostelecom for the development of fifth generation networks () 5G in - Russia LLC "New Digital Solutions." In this post, he is engaged in projects to explore an affordable frequency resource and promote 5G in the Russian market. More. here

Name change

According to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, on March 21, 2019, Digital for Business LLC - JV PJSC Megafon and PJSC Rostelecom - changed its name to New Digital Solutions.

Start of JV operation

On February 28, 2019, the Russian provider of digital services and solutions PJSC Rostelecom informed TAdviser about the start of joint activities with PJSC Megafon to develop fifth-generation mobile communications (5G) on the basis of a joint venture of Digital for Business LLC. As specified in Rostelecom, the partnership participants will own the joint venture in equal shares. And the company will be headed by a member of the board of directors of Rostelecom Vadim Semenov.

The joint venture of Rostelecom and MegaFon for the development of 5G networks has started working. Photo:

According to representatives of the provider, the main tasks of the joint venture are to create a single infrastructure operator and carry out work to release the radio frequency spectrum for the introduction of 5G networks in Russia. In particular, Digital for Business will focus on the formation of a unified radio access infrastructure in the 3.4-3.8 GHz frequency range, which is a priority for the development of 5G networks in Russia and in the world. It is standardized by the international consortium 3GPP for the equipment of fifth generation networks and allows the use of wide radio channels with high bandwidth. In addition, the use of this radio frequency range will ensure a significant coverage area not only in large cities, but also nationwide and ensure the compatibility of the ecosystem of subscriber terminal equipment, Rostelecom emphasized.

According to the company's experts, the 5G standard will be one of the core technologies in the digital economy.

The revolutionary transition to 5G is that new generation networks are created not only for human needs, such as real-time video broadcasting in 4K and 8K resolution, as well as virtual and augmented reality services, but also for the functioning of unmanned vehicles, machine-to-machine communication (M2M), the Internet of Things (IoT), telemedicine and so on, Rostelecom said.

Activities. Share capital

As of February 2019, the main activity of the company is wholesale software. In addition, Digital for Business works in 6 more areas. The size of the authorized capital of the company is 300 thousand rubles.

Appointment of Vadim Semenov as head of Digital for Business

On January 30, 2019, it became known that Vadim Semenov was appointed head of the enterprise (Digital for Business), created jointly by Rostelecom and MegaFon for the development of fifth generation (5G) networks in Russia. Read more here.

Rostelecom and MegaFon announced the creation of a joint venture

Rostelecom and MegaFon announced the creation of a joint venture for the development of 5G communications in January 2019, although they agreed on a similar initiative at the end of 2017. It is assumed that joining forces will allow operators to significantly reduce the cost of deploying 5G infrastructure and accelerate the commercial launch of new networks in Russia.

2018: Association of Rostelecom and MegaFon of their resources

In 2018, Rostelecom merged its resources with MegaFon. A number of activities were carried out to study the possibility and conditions for the joint use of radio electronic means (RES) of 5G communication networks and existing RES of communication networks for various purposes with the development of recommendations on options for using the radio frequency spectrum for the introduction of fifth generation 5G communication networks.